Too presumptuous

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'it is too... presumptuous to ask if the lady Katarina is pregnant?' varys asked, the last time he asked he got an ear full so he was asking Tyrion this time.

'why would you think that?' Tyrion smirked behind his glass.

'she is... you know what. Forget I asked.'

'because you are correct varys.' Tyrion told him, he put his glass down and looked over to Kitty, she had been nausea and not eating much for the past few days. Kitty had told dani and dani was at her side constantly since then.

'oh that's wonderful news!' varys said looking over at kitty, head in her hands, looking paler than usual.

'yes childbearing... makes me grateful the woman do it but seeing her like this... I hate seeing her in such pain...' Tyrion told varys.

'wait until the actual birth, that is excruciating I hear.' Varys told him.

'I had a baby... I didn't realize.' Dani looked to kittys flat stomach. 'I had one though...a baby.' dani admitted.

'what do you mean?' kitty asked

'I tried to sacrifice myself for my husband, to bring him back.' Dani was holding kittys hands in hers. 'but it didn't work, I gave my son up for my husband and it didn't even work. I lost them both.'

'that's awful. Dani I'm so sorry.' Kitty couldn't imagine losing Tyrion, she didn't know what she would do probably the same as dani, try and get him back but now that she had this whole other person inside her depending on her, she knew if Tyrion died or was killed, as long as this baby survived she would have to keep going.

'you are not alone.' Dani reminded her.

'I know. I have you and Tyrion. And I love you both soo much dani. I cant even begin to thank you for everything, all your hospitality and kindness... you are just so-'

'please, you are family and I'm to be aunt!' dani said happily and hand her fingers over kittys stomach. 'boy or girl?'

'oh I don't know, I cant tell.' Kitty admitted.

'do you have any names in mind?' dani asked.

'Karion for a girl or Jon for a boy.' Kitty told her and dani smiled.

'Karion... that's pretty ive never met a Karion.'

'it's katarina and tyrion put together... you like it?'

'Its beautiful! Your child... all your children will be just as beautiful and smart and kind as you. I know it.'

'I hope so. My mother wasn't the greatest of role models so I don't know if I will be-'

'you are nothing like your mother. You are everything like desert rose.'

'a desert rose?'

'beautiful, strong and resilient.' Dani told her. 'I came across a desert rose and it gave me hope when I thought my people and I were to die of heat and dehydration. I saw that little flower in the middle of nowhere. It brought me hope. I sent riders off in all directions and told them to find us shelter, and sanctuary. We stayed with that rose until the riders came back saying they found sanctuary. You my sweet sister are like a desert rose.'

'beautiful, strong and resilient.' She smiled, she had never felt so loved before. 'Karion Daenerys Lannister.' Kitty said and dani turned to her... If it's a girl. Karion. Daenerys. Lannister.' Kitty repeated and dani hugged her tight. 'my queen. My sister.'

'TYRION!" dani called over to him and he came up to them a small bow for dani and kiss to Kitty. 'I am pleased that you have decided to name your daughter after me.' dani said squeezing kitty shoulders. He looked to kitty a smile on his face but confusion in his eyes. Didn't they decide on Karion?

'yes... that's... yes...' Tyrion looked to kitty.

'we hadn't picked a middle name... I think if it's a girl we name her after my sister.' Tyrion didn't understand where she was going with this. They were not naming their daughter after Sansa or Arya both girls were trouble and vile. 'Karion Daenerys Lannister.' Tyrion let out his breath in a whoosh. He knew the girls had gotten close, close enough apparently to call each other sister. He was glad kitty found someone else that loved her, that truly saw how wonderful she was.

'that sounds lovely.' Tyrion kissed her cheek again.


'Are you awake... katarina?' tyrion purred kissing her face when she hummed a response he started to move down her neck. She rolled onto her back as he climbed up unto their bed. His hands expertly untying her dress. She smiled as she crawled into bed and on top of her. Eyes still closed she felt his hands cup her face she opened her eyes just as he kissed her lips.

'Im sorry im soo late' he said once he pulled away hands traveling down her body.

'I understand' she said reaching up to touch his beard. She liked his beard. She thought him even more handsome as he aged.

'I wont be making working late like this a habit I promise.' He told her.

'I understand' she repeated. 'We are in the midst of war. Everyone fighting and dying over the iron throne. I understand.'

It also helped that tyrions kiss always tasted like her when he got back and he never smelled of brothels. She knew he loved her and he was faithful to her so his late nights didnt worry her one bit. She knew he was working. Also because after every late night he desperately wanted her. To clear his mind of work and tire him out. To love him and show him that he was appreciated.

He was never appreciated at the capital and some days arguing and discussing and the endless chatter made him feel useless. Like he couldnt get anything done. It was the same thing every day. People were hurting dani would throw money at them. The dragons burnt their livestock dani would throw money at them. They were gaining the peoples trust and loyalty but tyrion would rather be with kitty than a moment away from her. Because every moment he sat staring at her smile made everything bad go away.

'I would much rather be at your side than anywhere else in the whole world.' He told her.

'I love you' she whispered kissing him pulling him to her

'How much?' Tyrion teased

'Let me show you...'

The Hound, the Imp and the Cripple // Tyrion LannisterWhere stories live. Discover now