Dont touch

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'Here we are strangers at black waters bay. Strange place for a reunion'

'It is my lord' Podrick agreed.

'I don't think I am anyone's Lord anymore Podrick'

'I'm sure your new queen will be happy to restore your lordship if she makes it to the throne.' Bronn offered

'Remember my offer Bronn whatever they're paying you I will pay you double.' Tyrion reminded him.

'oh Bronn you could come back with us!' kitty declared. 'that would be so wonderful!' kitty said looking up to him.

'Don't worry about me I'm looking after myself I'm doing just fine.' He told tyrion

'You put yourself at risk doing this meeting' Tyrion told him as they walked the long journey to the arena.

'I put your self at risk, I put your head on the line for this meeting, cersei, she doesn't care about me. however, now thanks to me she got two traitor her heads coming right through her door she can chop them off the moment she gets tired all thanks to Bronn of the fucking black water!' Bronn called out 'I'm looking out for myself.' He told tyrion

'It's good to see you again' Tyrion told him

'Yeah you too.' He looked to kitty still holding his arm. 'its better to see you though kitty.' He told her and kissed her cheek.


'Anyone touches it I will kill you first' Sandor said pointing at the crate that the white walker was trapped in they made their way to the arena where Cersei and Jaime were not waiting for them. Daenerys was still not seen as everyone else made their way closer to the woman who currently possessed the iron throne... But no one was there when they got to the arena just a few guards and suddenly they were surrounded by the Colosseum. Birds chirped cricket sung everything else in the world was quiet.

'I left this shit city because I did not want to die and I am I gonna die in this shit city' Sandor told tyrion


'Well this is your idea all of this is your idea it always seems like theres always some cunt idea there's always a Lannister behind it.' Sandor told him.

'Sandor!' kitty said smacking his arm.

'And some cunt Clegane to help see it through.' Tyrion added just then Cersei and Jaime and the mountain along with the rest of her guards came out marching towards them. the mountain wore a helmet his face completely concealed but he was bigger and larger than any man it was him. Kitty nkew it was him and she stumbled back a little, sandor put an arm around her guiding her to the chairs. Theon grayjoy's uncle, Euron was also with them.

'stay put flower.' He told her. 'I gotta talk to me brother.'

'sandor I don't think that's-' but he was already off. Sandor stomped up to his brother.

'Remember me?' Sandor asked his brother. 'Yeah you do... You're even fucking uglier than I am now...' sandor stared him down. 'what did they do to you? It doesn't matter, this is not how it ends for you brother. you know who is coming for you, you've always known.' Sandor told him marching away

The Hound, the Imp and the Cripple // Tyrion LannisterWhere stories live. Discover now