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Edited by absolem <3



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Yūta warily stared at his mother's boyfriend.

It was bright and early in the morning—before breakfast—and Mama had opened the door to Satoru Gojō. Satoru had paper sacks full of freshly baked bread that was still warm and steaming.

 Satoru had paper sacks full of freshly baked bread that was still warm and steaming

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Satoru cheerily handed the bags to Yūta who reluctantly accepted it.

At least I got my bread, thought Yūta, digging out a coconut bun and biting into it. Mmm. Bread.

Satoru grinned. "Peace?"

Okay, getting kidnapped wasn't the best but I got a lot of bread out of it so I'll call it a wash.

It wasn't the most fun—okay, that was an understatement. It was rude. Hella rude. The man ruined perfectly good bread just to romance Yūta's mom.

Yūta was glad Satoru didn't turn out to be some crazy villain, or something, but it was still an unpleasant experience.

And, in hindsight, kind of disappointing.

He'd heard a lot of great adventures started with a kidnapping. Or at least with his mom it did. Her favorite was when she was reversed-summoned into a ninth-circle of hell. She said Yūta was too young to know the details, but it was a wild ride through and through.

Yūta really wanted his first kidnapping to, at the very least, be as crazy.

Instead, what did he get?

A smug pretty boy trying to get to his mom.


So rude.

Although Yūta had to admit it was nice of the man to go out of his way to repay Yūta with bread. He didn't have to, and the fact that he did so anyway meant a lot to Yūta. Not only did Satoru replace the fallen bread, he went out and got more than what Yūta had originally purchased.

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