Chapter 6

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On the second official day on the ship, Reaper was starting to feel slight tingles and itches on his body but it wasn't something serious yet. During work on the top deck, he'd work near the edges and wait for a higher wave to come and hit the ship, letting some of the sea water hit him. Thankfully this technique gave him an excuse to being slightly wet. Tho he wasn't sure how long and often he'd be able to use this since he was sure he wouldn't be always placed on the top deck and the sea may calm down, giving him no waves for refreshment.

As he worked on mopping the deck, Reaper was approached by a smallish skeleton in a white shirt and dark blue vest.

"U-Uhm... E-Excuse me? Are  you sir R-Reaper?" They stuttered getting his attention.

"Uhh, yeah?" Reaper looked up at him and noticed Ink standing behind the new skeleton." I'm pretty sure Ink already told you that was my name."

"O-Oh he did! I-Its j-just that ... Y-you can n-never be to-too sure." He stuttered and  extended his hand for a hand shake." M-my name is Decans, or D-Dec for short."

Repaets smiled looking at the hand." Sorry, I'm not a hand shake guy."

Decans seemed surprised before looking shameful and apologetic." I-I am soo s-sorry! I d-didnt know! P-please forgive me!!"

This made Reaper confused." Ehh... It's.... Ok?..." Before things could become more awkward he went straight to the point." Anyways, why where you looking for me?"

Dec stopped apologizing and straightened up."R-Right! I can't fir-forget why I came here" he reminded himself." I'm here to check y-your first aid skills. So please come with me."

Reaper stood up and nodded." Alright." They started walking to the lower deck, Reaper coming closer to Ink and whispering." Hey Ink, what is first aid?"

"You don't know!?" He shout whispered before explaining." It's help given to a sick or injured person untill full medical treatment is available. Basically if let's say a person collapses or starts choking when there is no one around but you, you need to give them first aid until help arrives so they wouldn't die."

"Ohh ok, thank you" they continued to walk untill they entered a decent sized room.

"You finally made it brah!" They recognized Fresh's voice and looked at him. He was standing near a table with some weird vest and a dummy." I got everything ready so we can begin immediately." Fresh observed the two merfolk for a bit." Why are you two wet?"

"We where working on cleaning the top deck and where splashed by waves" Reaper answered without a moment of thought.

Fresh made an 'O' shape with his mouth." That makes sense, the waves are pretty big today, yet with no signs of a storm." He said before snorting." I heard that Error brah was thrown off his feet by a sudden wave hitting the ship, he hit his shelf and now is cleaning the mess."

"Oh no! Is Quartermaster ok!?" Dec asked worried. While Reaper chuckled at the news" Should I go tell Sci!?"

" Of course he is Decy brah! If he wasn't I would have called Sci the moment I heard the crash and heard him cursing." Fresh waved it off with a laugh.

Reaper quickly took notice of captains absence." Where is captain by the way?"

"C-Captain is working" Dec answered.

"Yeah brah. He has a ship to captain after all, he can't always be there for everything, which is why I am here!" Fresh explained." When captains too busy, one of his little brothers comes in to help. It's usually me since as the youngest I have the least responsibilities around the ship." He put a hand on his hip." Now, we shouldn't waist time and start the first aid training!"

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