Chapter 9.

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The pots and pans clicked together as the ships cook cleaned and stored them away while humming a melody that he's memorised to near perfection. It was one of his favorite Melody's Lust had danced to during his performances.

The melody was soft and elegant like the dancers moves were. If he had a chance he'd always go see him dance in the closest seats possible. He'd even collect the posters to keep as reminders.

"Oh Horror!~" the chef's peaceful moment was cut short by one he dared call his best friend, Killer."Guess who's back from fishing ~. We are!!"

Sighing some Horror turned to look at the three fisherman." Yes, I can see that."

Killer put two buckets filled with sardines while Ink placed one with sardines, Reaper then placed a bucket with salmons.

"We caught three buckets of sardines and one bucket of salmon." Killer said with a smug smile." And we caught enough Salmon to maybe have it served for dinner?"

Horror looked over the buckets." I suppose I could, but did you Catch these with fishing rods?"

"Of course!" Killer said probably.

"You could've used a net and caught more quicker " this seemed to catch the other off guard.

"W-well yes we could have," he quickly got his confidence back " but these two have never fished before so being the great and smart person I am decided to do it with fishing rod! Besides it's way more fun that way"

"You didn't want to be assigned another job did you" Horror spoke flatly, seeing through his friends words.

Killer seemed to be taken aback by this accusation."W-Whaaaat?! NOOOOO of course not! I would never !" He acted offended at that accusation, yet it didn't seem to faze the cook.

"Listen, as long as you get your work done and don't get in trouble, I don't care what method you use." The tall skeleton with an apron said taking the buckets of fish and put them near the sink where he could wash and work with them. "You three can go now"

"Yes yes," Killer said turning around" come on you two, let's see what else we have to do. See ya later Horror!"

When the three skeletons left, the cook started to hum the melody again and began to prepare the fishes.

Ink sighed in relief when they left the kitchen and started to walk to the upper deck.

"You don't have to be scared of him," Reaper said noticing how his friend acts around the cook." Not like he'll eat you."

"I know he won't, he just reminds me too much of a shark " Ink whispered not wanting Killer to get suspicious.

Reaper thought about it for a bit." Appearance wise maybe, personality not at all." Reaper thought a bit more, what resemblance to a shark Horror had. sharp teeth, eats meat, looks intimidating. Looking at personality, most sharks he's met where Jerks and Horror didn't give of that vibe. He leaned over to his friend when he remembered something." Isn't one of your friends a shark?"

Ink stopped for a second, going through his memory until he seemed to remember something." Oh yeah, I wonder how she's doing."

Reaper sighed shaking his head and looked at the days schedule."hmm, that's odd..." He said while observing what they're supposed to do next.

"What is it?" Ink asked climbing up a barrel so he could read for himself.

"Our tasks got changed, I can remember we had to do something on the lower decks, but now it says to meet the captain after dinner." Reaper reread the paper again to make sure he wasn't misreading something." Huh, personally I don't think that's a task."

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