"It's yes boss to you now."

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It was a frenzy when the League came back for me. They were quick to escape, and Shigaraki was very determined to make sure I came with them. Once the initial shock of getting kidnapped vanished I was left with that morbid curiosity that always stayed with me, bottled up, hidden away, too taboo to ever bring up. Why did they want me? Did they know? I never posted anything so they wouldn't know I was involved with the people online. Right? Am I just a pawn? Someone below them they can kill? A way to show they will kill even the most helpless civilian? The quirkless. I rambled desperately trying to figure it out. The 2nd location I was taken to was much more home-like. It was dusty and abandoned, but it was well furnished which seems like a win. I watched as I attempted to wiggle my faintly blue and purple fingertips. My whole body felt like stale static, numb and buzzing. I patiently waited for an explanation of everything.


"What's your name?" I hadn't even noticed when Shigaraki had moved a chair in front of me and sat.

"Y/N Midoriya" I saw no reason to lie, I would be totally honest. Being completely submissive was my plan live.

"I should have guessed, the hair should have been my clue." He's not wrong, my brother and I have the same green hair and it has always made us easy to identify. This is the first time I actually see Shigarakis's face. It's haunting. Not particularly in the wrong way. Haunting in the way a vampire would be; Taboo but alluring.

"How old are you?"


"Still in school?"

"Yes, I go to Musutafu University for Cybersecurity and Game Engineering Technology, " I recited my information as quickly, clearly, and simply as possible.

"And you're completely quirkless?"

"Yes. Completely. I'm willing to show you my medical records if you don't believe me." He smirked at me, probably finding my submissiveness humorous.

"There won't be any need for that, you have no reason to lie. Now, what is it like being so weak while your younger brother is so..." He paused "...powerful"

He caught me. Does he know? No. He can't. He's trying to manipulate me. Do I answer honestly? What if I do? Even worse, what if I don't?

"Well jealousy is natural, but that doesn't mean I'm not proud of him."

"But why did he get such a powerful quirk and so much opportunity to be a hero and you are so pathetically weak."

"I was never interested in being a hero, so it didn't bother me much." He smiled at this, what's he playing? What's his plan? Am I a wolf in sheep's clothing to him? A leak for information? That has to be it, it's the only thing that makes sense.

"And what do you think of the heroes?"

Fuck. He knows. He has to. That's too specific. Or do I have a guilty conscious? Honesty. Be honest. He probably already knows the answer and he could kill you with a single touch.

"I'd be lying if I called myself a fan. I'd be lying more if I said I didn't somewhat agree with Stain"

"Somewhat? Why only somewhat?"

"He did try to kill my brother so, I'm gonna have some criticism"

"The brat got in the way. I don't blame him."

"What do you want with me?" He's shocked by my outwardness.

"Well, you should learn to delete your search history on your phone before you get kidnapped next time-" He said as he placed my phone on my lap with 2 fingers. I knew honesty was a good idea.

"-and I saw your little forums and how you feel about heroes. And about us. I'll be honest I was impressed. You don't seem like the type for that, not that I'm complaining. If anything you are a helpful asset, I have a proposal." Smiling at me he leaned forward, I know his quirk so I'm careful to watch his hands.

"We need someone who can be an...informant. Someone who get be on the inside completely undetected." I should have guessed that's what he wanted, but I decided to play dumb a little bit. I can't just outwardly agree, now that I know my moral standing I feel I can twist this around more and manipulate this to make myself feel better. Even though I already know my exact plan. Agree to leak information but under the promise of my brothers' safety.

"Why me though? Why'd you take me?" My breath quivered slightly as I spoke.

"Taking you wasn't the plan, we originally planned on taking that birdbrain but he got away and made a last-second decision. I want you to leak information because they all see you as weak, delicate, and simply unthreatening. They would never suspect you. And aren't you tired of being so unassuming and underestimated? They all see you as weak and less than them." He definitely knew how to get into my head. I knew what he saying was true. Even a group of 15 years made me feel less than.

"And what if I say no."

"I'll have no use to keep you around and I'll simply kill you-" He placed his hand on my thigh, keeping his pinkie in the air

"-so, what will it be." He smirked again. As much as I agreed with him, I was still scared of him. Like one movement and I'm dead. So quick for him but slow and agonizing for me. I swallowed deeply and hesitated before speaking.

"I'll do it. But only under one condition." I spoke very sternly but still shallowing air heavily.

"Let me guess. Your brother's safety I would assume. I can do that, not saying I won't hurt him. But I can guarantee his life. I'll make it a clear point to everyone here to not kill little Izuku Midoriya." He removed his hand and stood up, calling for someone.

"Twice, come here." pretty quickly someone can from around the corner.

"So do we have a deal?"


"It's yes boss to you now." He spoke as he walked away. "Twice, untie her and both of you follow me. Make sure she doesn't run." 

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2022 ⏰

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