Chapter 2 - Rapunzel Takes the Kingdom of Corona

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In the Kingdom of Corona, the black rocks are overrunning the place.

The citizens of Corona are being evacuated by the royal guards. They panicked in terror.

The Captain of the Guard leads them out in the bridge. He was concerning. The Captain of the Guard faces the soldiers. "Move the people out of the town! The black rocks are multiplying! Evacuate the kingdom by the order of King Frederic!" He shouted.

The royal guards and soldiers are acknowledging. "Yes sir!" They exclaimed.

The Captain of the Guard surveyed the area. He was baffled. "Wait, where's Cassandra?" The Captain of the Guard inquired himself.


In the Corona's castle throne room, King Frederic and Queen Arianna are anxious.

Cassandra was wearing her light blue dress. She was angry. Cassandra gripped on the tall candle holder. She was ready to defend the king and queen. "Come here out of the shadows! I will not stand down, you villainy!" Cassandra shouted.

The woman figure was concealed in the big black rocks' silhouettes. She has a blue glow on her chest. The woman character steps forward gradually. She sounded malevolent. "Mm, mm, mm..." The woman shadowy figure added. "Quite a way to address your future queen of Corona, lady-in-waiting..." she said.

Cassandra was surprised. She raised her eyebrow. "Rapunzel?!" Cassandra wondered in exclamation.

Queen Arianna was bewildered. She cups her mouth. "Oh my god...Rapunzel..." Queen Arianna whispered.

King Frederic was perplexed. "Rapunzel, where the heck were you all this time? And what is with your hair and eyes? And your dress?" He asked.

Rapunzel has aqua blue eyes. Her long hair was a mix of yellow and aqua blue. Her dress was midnight blue. She has navy blue gloves. Rapunzel was corrupted with her fiendish deed. She grinned at the king. Rapunzel was black-hearted. She touched the illuminated opal. "Just in case you're Moonstone here from the Dark Kingdom transformed me a fiercest future queen-to-be..." Rapunzel answered.

Cassandra was befuddled. "Rapunzel, how did you get your crown back?" Cassandra wondered.

Rapunzel looked up to her head. She was not concerned. Rapunzel rolled her eyes. Then, she raises her eyebrow. "Oh, it's pretty obvious really..." Rapunzel added. "I just listened to the sound of complete and utter betrayal and followed that..." she replied.

Queen Arianna was in a fret. "Rapunzel, dear..." Queen Arianna added. She was sympathetic. "However you got your crown back doesn't matter...Your father and I are very worried sick about you..." Queen Arianna said.

Rapunzel was crossed with her parents. "Are you serious, mom?!" She added, exclaiming in question. Rapunzel wasn't gonna let her parents get away from unanticipated things. "How could I love you and dad for lying to me over the black rocks?!" She asked in exclamation.

King Frederic was fearful. "Rapunzel, we have only done it to protect you." He answered.

Rapunzel was perturbed. She growled. Rapunzel was enraged. "How is keeping me locked in the castle protecting me, dad?!" She added, inquiring in exclamation. Queen Arianna was stern at her husband. King Frederic was stunned. Rapunzel furrowed her eyebrows. "I was concealed in the tower for eighteen years with my mother! Which, my mother was a total madwoman who only loves me for MY HAIR! Cassandra doesn't deserve to be a lady-in-waiting again! SHE brought me where I truly belong! Cassandra lost her position to be a royal guard! I can't be a princess without my crown! I have finally met the thief who stole my crown back in the Dark Kingdom!" Rapunzel shouted.

Cassandra was bemused. "Rapunzel...Have you met the thief named Flynn Rider?" Cassandra wondered.

Rapunzel huffed. She was more irritated when Cassandra mentions the name. Rapunzel crisscrossed her arms. "The thief who stole my crown was not Flynn Rider, Cassandra. He's just a guy who defended the kid." Rapunzel replied.

Cassandra shrugs. "Who was he?" She added, asking. Cassandra was angrier. "Because that thief is gonna pay for stealing your crown, Rapunzel." Cassandra argued.

Rapunzel was too mad to answer her question. She tightened her fists. "You're in no place to ask your new queen of Corona, Cassandra!" Rapunzel exclaims.

King Frederic, Queen Arianna and Cassandra are wide-eyed with fear. "WHAT?!" They shouted in unison.

King Frederic was exasperated. "Rapunzel! You can't be the next queen of Corona just yet!" He exclaimed.

Rapunzel was infuriated. "Actually, I AM, dad!" She screamed. Rapunzel raised her arms.

More big black rocks appeared everywhere in the throne room.

King Frederic, Queen Arianna and Cassandra are terrified. They have not witnessed Rapunzel so upset before.

King Frederic was sorry. "Rapunzel..." he said.

Rapunzel was done with her father. She was distraught with her frown. "You want me to be protected in the castle, dad..." Rapunzel added. She gestured him an exit. "Well, GET OUT OF HERE! OR I WILL MAKE EVERYTHING HERE WORSE!" Rapunzel screams.

Queen Arianna was solemn. She glanced at her husband. Queen Arianna was urging him. "Frederic, we should let our daughter take our kingdom...She was in pain..." Queen Arianna suggested.

King Frederic sighed. He was defeated. King Frederic glances at his wife. "You're right, Arianna..." he said quietly.

Cassandra was against about Rapunzel. Cassandra was frightened. "Your majesty, you cannot do that..." she protested.

King Frederic halted Cassandra. He can't bear seeing Rapunzel disappointed again. "Cassandra..." King Frederic added. He was sad yet strict. "My daughter has her reason to be a queen so soon. I have to step down. Not for the people of Corona. For Rapunzel's sake..." King Frederic declared.

Cassandra sighs. She was glum.

Rapunzel was contented yet wicked. "Heh...Guess there is more in me than you people ever know..." she stated.

Cassandra gave Rapunzel her death glare.

King Frederic, Queen Arianna and Cassandra left the throne room sadly.

Rapunzel has taken charge of the Kingdom of Corona. She smiled evilly.

Next part soon!

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