Chapter 6 - The Wand of Oblivium/Eugene's Lovesick

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In the Dark Kingdom's dungeons, Lance slipped away from the throne room. He was full of mischief. Lance pulls out the long wooden fancy stick. It has a dark pink gem on the skinny sturdy wood. He was playing with it. Lance was pretending to be a wizard.

The Stabbington brothers are grumpier than ever in the cell.

Eyepatch growled louder.

Sideburns was frustrated. "Unbelievable! First, that sneaky Rider! Now, this mad Blue-Haired-Queen of the Black Rocks!" He added, shouting. Sideburns huffed and puffed a couple times. "This goal isn't worth it." He complained.

Lance was determined yet silly. He faced the Stabbington brothers. "Now, tell me, you angry brutes..." Lance added. He was making the wizard's fighting stance. "What are your last words before I zapped you two into the oblivion?" Lance asked.

Sideburns encounters at Lance. Sideburns was angrier. "I wish I don't remember anything about the princess's crown and the last ancient scroll piece!" He ranted in his answer.

Lance perceived the wooden stick's shakes. He was surprised. "What the?" Lance inquired.

The long wooden stick starts out the smoke of dark pink sparkles.

The dark pink smoke shoots at Sideburns and Eyepatch.

Lance, Sideburns and Eyepatch screams hysterically.

The dark pink smoke hit Sideburns and Eyepatch.


The dark pink smoke subsided.

Sideburns and Eyepatch coughed up a few times from the smoke.

Lance was still surprised. "What the heck...?" He inquires again.

Adira came to the dungeon. She was resolute. "Oh, what did you do, Earrings?!" Adira wondered in exclamation.

King Edmund, Quirin and Hector are behind her.

They are mystified.

Lance shrugged. He was confused of himself. "I don't know..." Lance added, replying. He gestures to the wooden fancy stick. "I was pretending to be a wizard with this pointy thing-y." Lance explains.

Hector glanced at the Stabbington brothers.

Sideburns and Eyepatch surveys around the cell. Sideburns was baffled. "Where the heck are we?" He added, inquiring. "I don't even know how we got here." Sideburns mentioned.

Hector chuckles wickedly at the Stabbington brothers. He was smirking. "Looks like the banana-brain-rogue just wiped the ruffians' memories...with that pointy thing-y of his." Hector teased. He was laughing and pointing at Lance.

Quirin was mad. He marched towards Lance.

King Edmund was discerned of the object. He raised his eyebrow. King Edmund was perplexed. "That's the Wand of Oblivium. It was a magical weapon which it's coming from Saporia. Perhaps whoever has that...pointy thing-y last, I am believing that wand was once belonged to the dwarf-sized witch." He uttered.

Quirin snatched the Wand of Oblivium from Lance. Quirin was furious. "Give me that!" He exclaimed.

Lance was astonished.

Quirin frowned at the wand. "The Moonstone was bad enough...But this magic-memory-erasure-wand is too dangerous to be in anyone else's hands..." he stated.

Quirin held the Wand of Oblivium with his both hands. He breaks it in half.


King Edmund and Adira are befuddled.

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