Chapter 1

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Erza's POV

          A fog can be seen in the mirror of a room and A slim body of a scarlet haired female is soaking in the hot tub.

           I sighed " So much for today ", I just went home from my previous mission, It's so hard being an agent, I almost got caught. Good thing Mirajane is at my back. My phone rang, I reached for it and answered. " Hello ?"

           " Erza, young master said,  tomorrow you are going to have a meeting with him along with the others, he has an important mission to give to all of u" -Juvia, Juvia is Gray 's assistant, not to mention, the Fullbuster's trusted maid. I hung the phone up and sighed again.

          " give me a break" I said. I glanced at my phone to see the time, I quickly got up from my hot tub, went to my room,  changed into my pajamas and went to sleep. Our boss is strict so if you are late, youre going to be punished.

The next day

The tips of the high heels echoes in the silent hallway when One of the trio spoke. " Are your wounds okay now?"-Mira "yah, just a little pain "-Me, "So, what do u think is our next mission? "-Natsu, "Idk, but if he's going to have a meeting with all of his agents, then that must mean that this is very important "-Me and we stopped when we reached the meeting area.

Each one of us sat at the assigned seat, "All of u must be wondering why I declared a meeting"-Gray, and he continued," I called all of u to give u an important mission, It is different from those previous missions that I gave. This time, the target is the company. I'm sure that all of you are aware of the top 3 companies in our country, right? So I'm going to choose 3 agents for this situation" .

           He grabbed a paper and said, " I'm going to give this paper to whom i'll choose. The rest, investigate the companies ". "But wait, if they are going to investigate, then what will those 3 agents do?" Asked Bisca, "Well I'm going to discuss it with them... "-Gray paused. Then, he handed me, Mira and Natsu the paper. "... privately" he continued. "us?"-Mira, "Yes, the 3 of you. " he uttered. "Juvia, I'm going to leave the rest to u" Juvia nodded and he led us to the other room.

          " You've been in this agent for a short time but all of you impressed me and i sure do hope that y'all won't let me down. " he said proudly. " compared to the previous mission, you will not work as a team. Still it depends on the situation". He smiled while eyeing me. He looked at Mira, " You're going to handle the Dreyar's company " then to Natsu, " I'll leave the Heartfilia's to you " and he walked passed him and went in front of me " and lastly. To the Fernandes' ." Before i could say a word he continued.

           "This folder contains the information that we have in them. Listen, I want the 3 of u to make them trust you, act as if you are loyal to them and when they do, u can control them and that is the time that u will going to crush their company" he said while walking to each one of us and handling the profile of the heir, "but isn't that bad? Our mission is to crush the evil, they didn't do any--- " i was cut off " they did something bad, they killed my father and they're going to take over our company" he said with his angry eyes, before anyone of us can say another word he opened his mouth and said, " Dismiss!" So we exited the room.

          Before we go home, the 3 of us went to Natsu 's apartment and there, we had a small chat about the mission." This is not right. I mean, how can he say that they are responsible for the death of his father? we are not sure. Besides, that was just a rumor, and why do we need to pull them down-- no, not just pulling but to shatter the company to pieces? it's like, we are the bad guys here"-Me "you are right but let's just do our job, our boss is playing the role of the villain since his father's death but we can't do anything. Aside from that, we promised to our previous boss slash his father that we will do what the agency says. So, we can't ignore this mission that he gave us"

          He put his one arm in my back and his other arm to Mira's, he lean closer to us and whispered," I heard some rumors in the agency that he set up some agents who didn't do the mission, he gave or those who spread the secret of the agency outside" and he leaned his back in his chair and said,"so, let's just do this. We have no choice" . " He's right" ~ Mira and she changed the topic. I didn't really paid attention to what they were talking about. My thoughts are rotating around the agency," i don't feel like this is a good idea" I muttered

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