Chapter 2: A strange encounter..

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'Is this his house? It's bigger than I thought it would have been..' Shuichi thought, still a little wary of the male.

• No one's pov•:

"Kokichi! Where have you been? I was worried sick!" A lady with green-sage colored hair rushed to the two. "Did you steal someone's kid?! What did you do?!" She asked, inspecting their figure. "Calm down mom. I didn't steal anybody's child. Besides, I wouldn't want anyone's kid even if they paid me."

Kokichi said in an annoyed tone but walked to the kitchen's tall chairs and placed Shuichi on it. "He's injured and hungry. I'll make him some yakisoba since that's what he wanted. Could you maybe get the aid kit?" Kokichi asked while gathering the kitchen materials,

"I am not your mother, Kokichi. But I will go and get the aid kit. How did the boy get hurt?" She asked, walking to get the aid kit from the closet near the door. "I was actually planning on leaving him behind since he wouldn't tell me where his parents were. All of a sudden, he rushed towards me and tripped on his own!"

Kokichi said, cutting some meat and vegetables while boiling the water on the stove. "You were about to leave a child that looks around eight or nine? Are you crazy?" She asked, bandaging Shuchi up. "Well he's here with me now, I don't see what there is to be angry about." Kokichi added.

She sighed deeply as she finished bandaging Shuichi. "How does your leg feel? Can you walk?" She asked Shuichi who was slightly trembling. "Kokichi, he won't talk to me. How about you nurse him while I cook dinner for the both of you?"

She said, getting off from her knees and patting the dust of her dress. She walked towards Kokichi who was cooking the vegetables in the pan.

"I suppose I can..Hey, kid. Come with me on the couch. You must be tired right?" Kokichi walked to Shuichi and reached out to him. "O-ok.." Shuichi said quietly.

"Hmph..How did you captivate such a cute little boy, Kokichi?" She asked, stirring the noodles that were boiling in the pot.

"....What's your name? I'm sure I can't keep calling you kid every time. As you know, I'm Kokichi. That over there is my older cousin. You can call her auntie or aunt Kirumi."

Kokichi said while pointing at her. "Auntie..? So she really isn't your mom?" Shuichi asked, sitting near Kokichi.

"Correct. Let's give you a shower first so you can change out of your clothes." He sat up and picked Shuichi up. Shuichi wrapped his arms around Kokichi's chest and back, looking up at him while they went to the bathroom. "You can call me Shu.." He mumbled out.

"Shu? Is that a nickname or actually your name?" Kokichi looked curiously. "A...a nickname..My name is Shuichi." He said looking back down on the ground. Kokichi opened the door to the bathroom and said, "Then I will gladly call you Shu." He put Shuichi down and walked towards the shower head.

"I..I can take a shower myself.." Shuichi didn't want Kokichi to see his scars on his arms, stomach, and back from the abuse that came at his household. "You sure..? Alright, I'll get you some clothes then. Do you know your size?" Kokichi asked, testing the temperature of the water before motioning for Shuichi to come over.

—-After the quick shower—-

*Knock knock* "Are you alright in there..? I've finished making the Yakisoba" Kirumi gently said through the door. "I'll go and call for Kokichi."

She walked off and a few seconds later, Kokichi knocked on the door and waited for Shuichi's reply. "Hm..I'm not sure these clothes will fit you but here you are!"

Kokichi handed him clothes he took out of his closet. "You..Are these your clothes?" Shuichi grabbed the clothes from his hands. "Even though you're small, you're most likely able to fit my clothes since I haven't grown much. Hope you don't mind."

Kokichi said before twisting the door handle. "Mm, in fact I'm glad..Thank you.." Shuichi mumbled.

"I'll wait for you in the living room. Oh and, I'm sure mom said this but the food's ready." He added with a small smile on his face. Once Shuichi changed and came out of the bathroom, Kokichi was setting the table and putting a towel on the couch.

"You're here? Come, sit on the couch, I'll dry your hair!" Once again, a smile was planted on his face. Shuichi had walked to the couch and hurried to sit down. He didn't want to waste their time and was afraid of what would happen if he didn't listen to them, though he slightly trusted Kokichi.
Word count: 817
I'm feeling like I'm doing a decent job! So I'mma continue on with this feeling! :D

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