Von's Birthday

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|Von|August 9th 2019|Von's House|

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|Von|August 9th 2019|Von's House|

"Good morning daddy"

"Good morning ma"

Sincere looked so fine Inna mornings.

Y'all know how some bitches be ugly and they breath smell like ass when they first wake up?

Sincere was the opposite.

"Happy birthday Von"

"Thank you lil folks nem"

I pulled her on top of me to let her feel how hard I was.

I wanted to start my birthday off with some morning sex.

But my wish was delayed, I got a call from Kema.




I hung up after Kema texted me the hospital info.

"Sin I'll be back ma. I gotta head to the hospital real quick "

"Why can't I come with u?"

"Sincere I'll be back ma"

I threw on my tank top and sweats and drove to the hospital.

The receptionist was bad asl. But it's no time for flirting rn.

"Wassup ma. My ex fiancé in labor, I need to get to ha"

"What's the name?"

"Shakema Waters"

"Room 645"

I ran up to the evaluator and went to the 6th floor.

I headed to the room and the doctor's of course had the room blocked off.

"Hello , I'm Dr. Jones. How can I help me?"

"I'm Dayvon. I'm here 2 see my ex fiancé give birth to my son "

"Ur just in time Dayvon. Shakema is 10 cm , ready to push"

I headed to the room , Kema had a big smile on her face.

My mama and Kema's dad was in the room.

"You good ma?"

"Hell no. I'm ready for him to come out" she cried.

"He finna come out lil folks. Just be patient" I smiled.

The doctor's got me in this weird ass hospital gear.

I needed to wear it for assistance with the baby.

Kema pushed and pushed and eventually my son came.

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