Labor Day

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|Von| Labor Day 2019| Von's House|

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|Von| Labor Day 2019| Von's House|

"U luh this shit ma?!" I asked in between strokes with my girlfriend.

"Yessss daddy"

"Cum on dis dick ma" I prompted pulling her tracks.

She came a little. Then I did.

We both was exhausted after this round.

"I luh you lil girl" I smiled giving her a kiss.

"I love u too"

I helped Asian put her clothes on and we walked downstairs.

"I'll come see you later baby"

I pulled her in for one more kiss.

"Have fun at the studio lil folks. Call me if a mf tweak with you a sum"

She laughed .

"I love you too baby"

I wish Asian and I could stay together.

Well tbh , idk what I wish right now.

I wish I never would of did Sincere bad but I do love my girlfriend.

So it's like what do I do?

Durk and I back cool. Which that's cool but I need his advice.

Since Sincere have been staying with him the whole summer, I asked him to come to my crib.

Just so it wouldn't be any further tension with Sin & I .

Durk came right away, I let him in.

"Wassup twin"

"Wassup gang. Ight so you know I gotta talk to you about Sincere"

Durk looked uncomfortable but I mean, in my eyes... he accepted us fucking around?

"What about her?" Durk asked.

"Well look man. You know I was wrong fa playing with ha feelings like that. I do love Sincere & Ian mean to fuck with yo sister heart man"

Durk nodded in agreement.

"You say you love ha gang?"

"I do man. She made me feel something Ian never feel before. But then you know I got Asian. My girlfriend. I Luh ha too gang"

I could tell Durk felt a type of way just by his facial expressions but he's my twin.

He know we don't sugar code shit when we talking to each other and we supposed to stay real.

"So you basically love both of them, right?" Durk asked.

I nodded.

His eyes widen.

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