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|Sincere| SEPTEMBER 9th 2019| Sin's Dorm|

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|Sincere| SEPTEMBER 9th 2019| Sin's Dorm|

After a crazy ass summer in Atlanta, I'm finally back at school.

It's my senior year and I'm ready to smack my family with my degree.

My auntie MADE me go to college , so thank her for why I cry after every semester.

Speaking of crying, I got a text from Kayla.

That girl always coming to me boo hooing about sum.

From Kayla💕:
Girl I miss youuuuu, why u just ain't transfer to a school out here?!

See I could of been here's the thing:

After that night I seen Von, I didn't wanna come back to the A again unless it was to see my brothers.

Then I already got all majority of my credits here, transferring would be too much.

So , hey I'm gonna stick out these next 8 months.

I was about to head to class when I got an email for my guidance counselor.

"Hey Sincere,

It's Mr.Hayes, can you head down to my office please? It's urgent, I need to see you right a way"


I grabbed my keys & purse and headed down to the office.

I haven't felt this much anxiety since Von told Durk we fucked.

I knocked on the door.

"Come in Sincere"

I sat down , confused about what's going on.

"Have you spoke with your brother Durk?"

"No not since I came back from school"

"Okay , he called the schools several times. He said please call him"

I was still in the office when I decided to call Durk from Mr. Hayes office phone.


"Wassup Sin"

It sounds like Durk have been crying. He doesn't cry so I know something is wrong.

"What's wrong Durk? Why you sounding like that?"

"Am I on speaker?"

"Yes? What's wrong?"

Durk got real quiet.

"DThang got shot last night Sin"

My heart dropped.

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