Chapter 1

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I'm hoping this first chapter is pretty long, and if anyone has any pointers for me on writing I'd appreciate it as long as you're nice about it! Thank you, I hope you enjoy, and have a great day!
Fair warning, theres a lot of dialogue in this chapter, and probably will be in other chapters as well. And again, almost none of it is actually said in canon, I changed it up to fit the story!


They arrive at the abandoned library, and Sabre looks around to make sure those things aren't following them. He waits for M to go down the stairs first, and he follows, blocking the entrance. They walk down the rest of the stairs, to the table in the middle of the room. "Okay, I didn't call you here for a secret meeting. Well, I did, but not how you think."

"What do you mean, Sabre?"

"I mean, there's something bad happening, and the only way I could tell you what it is was for us to come down here."

The leaders look at him, wondering what he's talking about.

"There are beings form the World Below controlling this reality, and they have been doing so behind the scenes for who knows how long. M here, was recently taken to the World Below by them, and I had to save him. Blue Leader, you tried to get me not to go.."

"You.. went to the World Below?!"

"Blue Leader I had to save him. There were other steves in test tubes next to the one he was in. They were slowly turning into those things, I had to save him!"

Blue Leader sighs, closing his eyes for a moment. "Okay, say you did have to save him. Why was he there in the first place?" He asks, opening his eyes to look at Sabre once again.

"I got too confident talking about them and he disappeared.. and so I went to Time Steve for help and he didn't remember who M even was. I asked him to send me somewhere, and I'm not telling where—"

"Don't tell me you went to-" M starts, but cuts himself off. The way he spoke showed he was annoyed, or just mad at Sabre.

"Okay look, I had to. It worked, didn't it? I got you back! And Time didn't even know where I went so it's fine. Anyways.. he helped me get to the World Below so I could save M, and I entered the portal. Way too many times. I started seeing those things in the normal world, and that's why I'm able to talk freely here, because there aren't any of those things in here. Then I eventually went to Time for help, he helped me, I got M back, and now we're here." Sabre finishes, looking around at everyone. He notices everyone is confused, and that checks out, seeing as he just blatantly told them everything he dealt with in the past few hours.

"Okay.." Light Steve starts, "That's a lot to take in." He sits down, obviously freaking out on the inside.

"Don't freak out it's okay- we just don't have any way of getting rid of these things, that's all." Sabre says, and then immediately sighs. "That's not okay, but I tried to make you feel better.."

Light Steve nods, clearly not okay with the situation. Blue Leader is trying to calm Indigo Leader down, as he's freaking out. All of them are, but Indigo's not as good at keeping calm.

"Indigo breathe, we can't do anything if we aren't calm.." Blue Leader says, and he looks around to make it known he means everyone, not only Indigo and himself.

"Blue Leader is right, we need to be calm.. and think about it, don't you realize something isn't right? You said you're the only leaders, but we're missing four other leaders."

Light Steve looks up at Sabre slowly, "There were more..?"

Sabre nods. "Yes, there were Orange, Yellow, Green, and Violet."

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