Chapter 3

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This chapter is gonna be pretty long too, or I'm gonna try to make it pretty long- anyways, I hope you enjoy!


The Red Leader shakes his head. "I do believe you, Sabre, and I trust you as well." As much as he seems to dislike Sabre, he does mean this.

M walks up to Sabre, holding his hand out. "Sabre, we all trust you on this. Well, I know I do for sure. I promise you I won't leave you like they did." Sabre hesitantly takes his hand, and is immediately pulled into a hug. "It's gonna be hard, but we'll get through this, okay?" Sabre nods, wrapping his arms around M in favor of returning the hug. Shadow scoffs, reminding Sabre that he was there. M lets go of Sabre, noticing he had tensed up. "You okay?"

Sabre nods, and reluctantly let's go of him. "Eh.. yeah, I am. Thank you."

M smiles at him, and pats his head. "You're welcome, chicken boy."

"Hey- I am not a chicken anymore." Sabre says, acting as if he's annoyed even though he really isn't.

"Mhm, sure you're not." M pushes on Sabre's shoulder lightly, to show he's only joking.

Sabre smiles at him, and then turns around to face Shadow. "Are you done, Sabre?"

"Yeah, yeah. Now, what do I do?" Sabre says, clearly annoyed.

"Sabre, who are you talking to?" M asks, confused now. He then looks back to the Professor. "And Professor, how is that fish still on your head—"

The Professor grins mischievously, and looks straight at M. "Science."

M sighs, "Of course.."

Sabre looks back at them. "I don't think we want to know the actual answer." M returns his gaze. "As for who I'm talking to.." he looks back to Shadow, "he's hard to explain."

"And we are running out of time. I sense a Demon over this way, follow me." Shadow says, and walks over to a Demon Steve. Sabre follows him, and he was right. There is a Demon Steve standing there. "Channel and accept the Darkness, and you can get rid of it." Shadow explains, stepping away from the Demon Steve and next to the Red Steves, who had followed Sabre.


He turns around and looks at M, "It's fine, I.. need to do this. Shadow why isn't it attacking me, or changing our reality?" The Demon Steve just stares at him.

Shadow Sabre chuckles, "It's because they're scared of you. The power you possess. The sword.." He says. "Use the sword, Sabre.."

"F-Fine! Guys, stand back." The Red Steves do as he says, the three of them backing up. Sabre inhales sharply, closing his eyes. He calms himself down, and lets the sword's energy course through him. He exhales, and opens his eyes again. Pointing his sword at the Demon Steve, he feels the energy build up. Lightning then strikes the Demon, and it disappears. Sabre let's out a breath of relief, and laughs slightly. "It worked! Thank the cheese gods.."

The Professor tilts his head, the fish still not falling off, "Cheese gods? I'm confused."

Sabre turns to him, ignoring the fish. "Don't worry about that, but it worked! The Demon is gone!"

The Red Leader tilts his head slightly, showing his confusion. "Demon?"

"Oh yeah—" Sabre begins, and turns towards the leader, "that's what they're called. Demon Steves. I mean it makes sense if you know what I know."

"I don't."

"That's fine, anyways," he turns back to Shadow, "can this sword bring everyone back, or do I have to defeat the Demons for that?"

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