Chapter 6: Drama 1

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"Why are you so nervous?" Jisoo questioned, sliding down next to me on the couch.

I frowned at him and looked down at my lap. My thighs were trembling and I was cracking my fingers.

The mere thought of my whore of a mother meeting Jisoo was nerve-wrecking. Plus, the thought of Jessica and her toy commenting about everything also was enough to make me shit myself.

I ran my hands through my unruly hair and groaned. I felt Jisoo shift beside and I looked at him quickly. His Good-like face stared back at me full of worry.

"Are you rich?" I asked, not beating around the bush.
But then before he could answer, my eyes flew to my
surroundings and I let out a cry. Of course he was rich. How did afford such a luxurious place then? And everything he wore was fuckin branded.

"Umm I " but I cut him off.

I held up my hand to stop him, wait,  i know don't answer it.

His throaty chuckle flooded into my ears and I glared at him. Alarmed at my murderous glare, he quickly disguised it with Cough.

"If my mother proposes to you for marriage then-"

"Wait, what? " His golden eyes widened behind his glasses and I laughed.

"'Im kidding." I pushed his shoulder lightly and he blushed.

"Did you order anything?" I asked him, switching the topic.

"네. Italian, though." I rolled my eyes. This guy was practically asking for a proposal now.

"Slow down there, Romeo. You trying to woo ma momma?"

He blushed deeply and shook his head. "Just thought that she might get impressed and not take you away from m-I mean here." My eyes softened and I leaned onto his shoulder. He stiffened but let me be.

I knew he was going to say 'me' but I kept quiet about it. In a way, I felt accepted and I smiled at him.

"No one is gonna take me away from here." I whispered and from my side vision, I swear I saw him blush and grin.

Suddenly, the bell rang and i lifted my head from Jisoo's

"That must be the food." He went to the door and pulled it open. A young asian girl, probably our age stood there. She was wearing a certain uniform and her blonde hair was short and cutely styled in a bob.
But all my admiration for her vanished when she blushed
at the sight Infront of her. Seriously though, who would not blush at the sight of a sexy tan skinned nerd?

Jealousy clouded my vision and I pushed away from the
couch, making my way to him.

"Hello there. If you are done staring, we would like our food now." I fake smiled at her, leaning against Jisoo's side. She snapped her gaze away from him and gave me a irritable look. As if to say, fuck you.

"I said that me and my Boyfriend would like our order."
Jisoo's head snapped to mine and he blushed the deepest l'd ever seem him redden.

Almost at lightning speed, the Asian girl smiled fakely and handed over the package "Here is your order. That would be $55.22 "

Both, me and my 'boyfriend' reached for the money. While he reached in his back Jean pocket, I reached for it in my bra.

"I'm paying."

He mumbled.

"Oh no, baby, no you aren't. " I pushed my money forward to her only for it to be taken by Jisoo. He pushed his money to her and I slapped his hand.

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