Chapter 18

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{Hey guys! Here's the first update of my weekend explosion! I have a new arc planned for this story, so brace yourselves! Theres going to be a few more filler chapters before it gets going, so this story will probably get into 30 some odd chapters. I just don't want to make a second book XD}

Gajeel entered the guild hall with Lily in tow, making a bee line for the bar. As always, Mira was there, bright eyed a bushy tailed first thing in the morning. "Morning guys!" She called cheerily as she went about making their breakfast. "Mornin. Kid wasn't any trouble was she?" Gajeel asked, munching on a few nails she laid out for him. Mira smiled brightly, "Oh Gajeel she was wonderful. Woke up to see her and Levy cuddling, it was quite adorable." She said with a giggle. Gajeel grinned and chuckled as she slid something across the bar. He picked it up, stifling his laughter into his hand. Mira hand managed to get a picture of his two favorite people, Avery tucked in close to Levy as they slept away.

"I owe you big," he said as he tucked the picture away. "I'll keep you to it," she giggled as she placed their food in front of them. Gajeel and Lily ate quietly while Mira attended the few others in so early. "Hey Mira," Gajeel called as she made her way back over. "Yes?" She leaned against the bar, face propped up in her hands. "Think you and the girls can give me a hand with something?" Mira giggled. "The great iron dragon asking for help, times really are changing." Gajeel huffed as she and Lily laughed. "Alright alright, what is it?" She asked kindly. "Kids birthday is at the end of the week, and when I was in Phantom, we never really got to have a party for her."

Mira instantly brightened, her grin wide. "Of course Gajeel! Just leave it to me!" Gajeel chuckled a little nervously. "I want it to be a surprise though, can you do that?" Mira nodded excitedly just as the doors opened. They turned to see the group of ladies from Fairy Hills enter. Avery grinned brightly at her dad, pulling Levy along with her as she hurried to him. "Mornin dad! Mornin Lily!" Gajeel grinned and pat her hair as she stood beside him, "Hey hatchling, shrimp. Have a good night?" Avery nodded excitedly and went on to tell him about the movies and how she wanted the books, as well as showing off the book Levy had lent her. Out of the corner of his eye, Gajeel could see Mira talking to the girls as she delivered plates of breakfast.

The three ate breakfast together in peaceful quiet, Avery watching as her dad and Levy chatted. She shot the woman a sly smile, causing the bluenette to blush furiously. "Hush you," she said, pointing her fork at Avery. The girl mearly grinned and took the fork from her hand in a quick bite. Gajeel burst into laughter at Levys wide eyed stare. Avery grinned before turning to her dad, "Are we gonna train today?" She asked excitedly. Gajeel snorted, "Like I'd let you skip out. Got a long way to go kid!" Avery cheered before quickly finishing her breakfast. "Mind if I come watch?" Levy asked brightly.

"Sure shrimp. Actually I'll need your help today," Gajeel said as he finished his drink and stood. Levy went to stand but he waved her off. "Finish your breakfast, I won't need your help till later. We need to warm up first," Levy nodded and smiled before turning back to her breakfast. Gajeel and Avery returned home, dropping off Averys bag and changing into work out clothes. They started the morning with a jog around Magnolia, starting at Fairy Tail, working up the girls stamina. They returned to the guild, only to jog around to the designated training area at the back. They proceeded to their daily work out, which Gajeel started them on earlier that week before starting her training.

By the time they were ready to begin, there was already a small crowd waiting to watch. Levy, who had gone and changed at Fairy Hills, was waiting near by in her own work out attire. "What do you need me to do?" She asked brightly as she joined them. "I need some targets." Levy grinned and nodded, conjuring a dozen targets with her words, and placing them away from the guild. "We are going to try the attack you came up with the other day." He told her, resulting in a brilliant grin. "Really?!" She asked excitedly. Gajeel nodded with a grin, reaching for the bag he had brought with them and pulling out an iron bow. While it was too small for someone like Gajeel to wield, it was the perfect size for Avery, even for when she got older.

Avery carefully took the bow, slightly surprised by its weight as she held it, testing the thin yet sturdy metal draw string. It was hard to pull, but she knew that it would grant the bow more power, as well as strengthen her arms. Along the length of the bow, curling  around, was the carving of a roaring dragon. "What do ya think kid?" Gajeel asked as she study her gift. Averys grin was bright before she lunged at her father, hugging him hard around the waist. "It's perfect!! Thanks dad!" She let go, glancing over at his bag. "What about arrows?" Gajeel smirked, "Now if I had those it would just be a normal bow. You're going to make your own." Avery tilted her head to the side as Gajeel knelt in front of her, holding his palm up right. "Watch me." He told her, and she nodded.

An iron circle formed in the center of his palm, "Focus on the shape you want, just like with your iron pillar. Only this time smaller, more edges," he explained. A small bump formed in the circle, and with his free hand, Gajeel pinched it and slowly drew it up. First came the metallic feathers, so fine and thin that they gently swayed in the breeze, as if they weren't iron. The long shaft ended in a sharp arrow head, point glinting in the sun light. He handed the blunt end to his daughter. "It doesn't take a lot of energy to make, but you don't want a lot of them weighing you down. If you're in a fight, you should try to recover arrows o you aren't left open when making new ones." Avery was listening with rapt attention, gently turning the arrow this way and that as she marveled at her fathers work. "Lets practice actually shooting before you put any magic into them." Avery nodded excitedly as Gajeel moved behind her, showing her how to hold the bow. She had a bit of difficulty actually holding the bow to level, but she fought with the weight. She notched the arrow as told, drawing the string back, "I know its heavy, but relax." Gajeel reprimanded softly, putting his hands ion her shoulders. Avery relaxed her shoulders, finding it slightly easier to hold the bow. Once Gajeel approved of her stance, he told her to fire. Avery released the arrow, the recoil nearly snapping the bow from her hand and she hissed slightly as the strings skimmed her arm. The arrow soared straight under one of Levys targets, and sunk into the ground right up to its feathers.

Gajeel chuckled slightly, "Lets put some scales up on your arm yeah?" Avery nodded, focusing until the inside of her forearm was a bright silver before retrieving her arrow. "This time," Gajeel said as she took her stance, "Don't let the bow drop, it will alter the arrows course and you wont get a straight shot." Avery nodded as she drew the string again. She took a deep breath, releasing the arrow as she breathed out. There was a satisfying thunk as the arrow embedded itself into the target, though on the very edge of the outside ring. Avery jumped and squeeled as applause sounded from her audience. "Good job hatchling." Gajeel grinned, ruffling his daughters hair. Levy grinned as Avery hugged her tight, spinning the girl slightly as she returned it. "After this," Gajeel said as she returned to his side, a wicked grin on his face. "You can train with the shrimp!"


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