Chapter 25: Grand Tour

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"OK, firefly. We'll do it your way, but you need to help with this, and not keep running away from us." Hoseok says, looking at me expectantly, so I look at Lo-Hyung, but I feel fingers on my chin gently directing me to look back at him.

"You don't need to look at Lo-Hyung. You can trust us. We're all yours, and we'll do everything in our power to keep you safe, and though I can't guarantee we won't piss you off from time to time, we couldn't ever hurt you, but you have to give us a chance to prove ourselves to you" 

Lo-Hyung is safe, and he told me they're safe, so I need to try, but fuck is it scary. How do you trust six strangers? I look at them and feel a strong pull to each and every one of them, plus the thought of what I want to do to them… it's even scarier. But maybe that's why I should, I’ve never had this reaction otherwise, so it must mean something. So taking a deep breath, I bite my lip and look Into his eyes, and nod in agreement, making his smile widen. He has a nice smile.

I hold my notepad up to indicate I wish to write something, and he lets go of my face, leaving sparks in their wake. I look down to write my message before handing it to him.

You will have to explain a lot of shit to me. I mean, I'm not a complete idiot, but I don't really know much about the supernatural world. Other than men are arseholes. The current company is excluded… for now.

Hoseok reads it out and they all laugh. Good, that's what I was going for. I'm not some fragile flower. Yes, I've been through some horrendous stuff, but Lo-Hyung's right. I'm stronger than that, it was only my body that was forced to break, never who I am, never my mind, and though I'm not ready to talk about any of it, I've already decided to move past it to a degree.

I spend the next hour being shown around, though I still stick close to Lo-Hyung. I can tell the others don't like it, but they don't say shit. Not that I'd care If they did, I'd just tell them where to shove it. They also take me for a walk through the forest and after about five, ten minutes we come to a beautiful house. It's large and has a wrap-around porch, and It even has a swinging chair and a hammock. They lead me up the steps and the inside is a dream. It's nice and homey, what I'd want my home to feel and look like.

I then get the grand tour. There's a wide staircase in the middle with an archway on either side and a door on the right leading to a bathroom. I know as It says bathroom above the door. Through the arch way's is the front room, and there's a humongous grey corner sofa and floor-length windows. It looks like you can get out there, but I don't see a door, and beyond the window, I see a bloody pool! There is also a BBQ area with dark comfy-looking rattan furniture and more of the forest beyond. My guess is it's surrounded by forestry.

I’m mentally calculating the escape routes. You know, just in case. There are bookshelves filled with all kinds of books and knick-knacks. A huge TV sitting on a unit that's filled with DVDs and computer games. The walls are done in grey and white tones, and there's a door leading off to the kitchen.

We go there next and it's huge, with an island, breakfast bar type thing in the middle. There are cupboards and a large pantry, and a door that leads, I'm guessing, to the back garden. There's another open doorway that leads to a spacious dining room, with a long mahogany table and eight chairs surrounding it. There are pictures of the guys on the wall and a bar in the corner. 

I'm thinking to myself If these guys think I’m cleaning all this!... Then they've got another thing coming! I’ve not escaped one set of arseholes that thought themselves my masters, who made me do their bidding, to land in the hands of a different set of arseholes! I’m not about to be anyone’s slave ever again. I’d be out of there faster than they can say 'get me a beer.

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