Chapter 44: finally

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~ Taehyung - 김태형 - V ~

She really is driving me fucking crazy. It's hard not just attacking her when she tells me she wants to mate with us, but I need more than words that she isn't going to freak out, that she wants this and not just because we do.

"She practically just said she's ready. I told you! I've been begging you to spend time with her. We've been getting nowhere with the other stuff. We've been neglecting our mate. Enough is enough, Taehyung. I want our mate. NOW!" He forces himself to the surface, takes control and is up the stairs pulling her back by the hand, and then pushing her against the wall. Fuck!

"What are you doing -" Her eyes widen when she realises it isn't me in control. That Blaze has surfaced, snatched her down the stairs, to smash our mouth to hers.

She groans and wraps her arms around my neck, pulling me tighter against her. I move my hands under her ass lifting her, and she wraps them around my waist using them to pull my hips into hers. On contact, she moans in pleasure, and Blaze gives me control back. Now that I have her against the wall I can't stop, so  I don't waste any time and grind into her even harder.

I start kissing down her jaw, running my hands up her top, while keeping her pinned to the wall with my body. I'm about to bite down on my mark when the front door slams open, breaking the spell. Breathing heavily we just look at each other, and then she unwraps her legs and puts them down.

"That was Blaze wasn't it?" She asks, biting her lip and looking at me shyly from under her lashes.

"Yeah, sorry," I say, clearing my throat. "That wasn't supposed to happen." I finish, and her face screws up in anger.

She shoves me away from her and storms off to her room. For fuck sake! I didn't mean it like that. I just meant he took control and I don't want it to happen when we're both angry and he forced it. I shouldn't have let him break through like that! I'll speak to her about it later, as I think we both need to cool down. So I head back down to help everyone with dinner, still angry and frustrated.

~Kylie - 카일리~

After storming to my room, I decide I'm going to have a quick shower before going back down to see everyone. When I do, I don't really speak to any of them, and just roll my food around my plate, not really feeling that hungry. I don't want to feel this way, and though I said Taehyung would be my first, I'm starting to think I may change my mind. Nobody is saying anything either which is just making this really awkward, and I'm stuck in my head thinking random shit!

Like, I have needs and they are neglecting them. I know they respect my wishes on Taehyung first, but I don't think he's ever going to think I'm ready. When I am fucking ready! It's not just sex they're avoiding either. They don't really kiss me, there's no intimacy between us. They don't say 'Fancy a walk?' Or 'wanna watch some telly?' Maybe they don't want me and are just stuck with me. Oh goddess that's going to be it. They're just saying all that other shit as an excuse!

Now all I want to do is cry. Maybe I should just go! I push my untouched plate away and sit back, arms folded. I look at them all and half of them had a shower before dinner, so are sitting there half naked, which is really inappropriate and makes me wanton when I'm supposed to be angry.

"Firefly? What's going on in that head of yours? I don't think I've ever seen someone's face display so many different emotions so rapidly one after the other before! Talk to me!" I look at him and see worry and annoyance. At me? I'm not sure, but I don't think I can tell him my concerns just yet. I feel silly. Maybe Taehyung's right and I'm just childish by nature! I feel like a silly girl with an unrequited crush. I can't do this.

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