Chapter 41: What Mum Told Me

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~Yoongi - 민윤기 - Suga~

What a day! Ma moitié really wanted to get out of the house, which I understand. She's been cooped up here for weeks with all of us overbearing, overprotective men, so when she ranted about feeling locked up, we all felt like shit. We don't want her to feel that way, not after everything she's been through, but at the same time we don't know everything that's happened to her. We've seen all the evidence and can speculate, but until she feels like sharing we're all in the dark.

When she'd been gone for hours with no word, Taehyung spoke to his brother, asking him to send her home, but he relayed that Sun-Young said she left hours ago. Well, that was it, we all stopped what we were doing and went looking for her, worried someone might have taken her again.

After she left, Namjoon went down to let off some steam with the prisoners. They're not talking and as we've been more focused on her, they haven't been on trial yet, but they will soon. We all want them dealt with so we don't have to worry about them anymore.

Eventually after looking for ten minutes, Namjoon links the pack asking if anyone's seen her, and when he gets word that she's at the training grounds, we go from worried, to angry. The fact Lo-Hyung took her shouldn't surprise us, but we thought he understood and would respect our wishes that she's still healing so should be there. Guess we were wrong.

When we get there, there is a huge crowd gathered, and though it's normal for there to be spectators watching all the sparring,  there have never been this many unless we're holding a tournament. So why are they all here? We start making our way through them, and everyone's excitement and cheering start to die down. They start making a path for us to get to the arena quicker, as they can see and feel the anger coming off of us in waves.

When we reach the front, we see our mate and Lo-Hyung fighting, and she seems to be OK, thank the goddess! Then Lo-Hyung spots us over her shoulder, as her back is to us, and we expect him to stop and bring her over to us, but he goes at her again! She performs a perfect three-sixty crescent kick and hits the floor, and I'm impressed with her strength, and how perfectly she executed that move, but he's on his feet fast and goes for her again.

She surprises us all when she then starts blocking every blow, before jabbing him in the ribs and taking him down with a knee to the face. She's actually quite good, but he's up again, which causes Tae and Joonie to growl lowly in warning, and a hiss to leave my lips. He thinks he's doing it to prove a point I'm sure, because he's been on her side the entire time, which I get, but -

She turns to find the source of their growls, and Lo-Hyung uses her distraction to punch her in the ribs, before sweeping her feet out, making her hit the ground hard. Taehyung roars his anger at our mate being hurt, and Namjoon shifts and charges toward them, we all make our way over, wanting to hurt him for hurting her, and I'm seeing red when he hits her in the face.

She blocks and hits him, and just as she's knocked him off of her, Namjoon gets there at the same time and tackles him off her. He looks like he's about to snap Lo-Hyung's neck when she shoves her hand in his mouth, forcing him to stop.

Taehyung opens a link so we can all hear her, and she shouts in our heads, telling us off. Hoseok and Jimin try to justify our actions, but she kinda has us on that too. Though I'm still angry that she didn't say she was coming here, I do get why she didn't, because we would have said no. Again!

Namjoon isn't having it at all though, he's really mad, and I'm just now realizing why he's been avoiding her. I know she's noticed too but she hasn't been able to corner him into telling her why yet. Shadow is why, he's very possessive and dominant, and a tad on the feral side, and I know he's been dying to mark her for weeks, but he's been worried he would hurt her. Seeing her get hurt by Lo has set him off, and they want to mark her, which will happen very soon.

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