''A wounded heart slowly mends, Chapter 5''

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"Speaking out loud"
"Screaming/Pain in voice"
'Speaking to a sacred gear/Various entities within it.'
"Sacred gear/Various entities speaking"
:Sacred gear/Various entities internal communication:
.:Sacred gear/Various entities personal thoughts:.

Hey everyone, Hope ya enjoyed the last chapter, This one is going to be a good bit of exploration of Limbo, Enjoy~ Coming chapter 6, There will be a hell of a surprise~

And without further delay, Let's pick up where we left off, Shall we?


                            May 6th Morning, Kalawarner's appartment.

The home would slowly begin to fill with the smell of bacon and eggs as a certain pinkette reaper had taken it upon herself to wake the two up who'd slept through the entire evening and long since into the day til' nearly 10AM. Whistling and small amounts of singing could be heard from the kitchen as Issei and Kala began to slowly wake up, The younger fallen angel obviously turning a few shades of red realizing she had been cuddling with the boy all night long getting arguably the best sleep she'd gotten in years. She quickly righted herself gently letting him flop over onto the couch with an audible thud and a groan as he sighed muffling into a pillow "Morning to you too, Warn a guy would ya?"  to which a barely stifled giggle could be heard from her as she'd offer a hand to him with a puzzled look "Can you even eat in that form...? The food here is honestly pretty damn good once you have enough money saved up."

The groggy brown haired boy would reach out grabbing her hand slowly rising up to his feet still not quite used to sleeping outside of his own body as he'd look just as puzzled "Ya know, I really haven't tried yet so that's... a pretty damn good question Kala." He was sure as hell about to find out though as he'd race off past her to the smell of breakfast finding Lily in an apron that clearly read off "Tasty." Quite a few jokes flashed through his mind but he decided better then that as he'd offer a small bow before going to sit at the table with the sound of Kala running through the house trying to keep up with him. She was just as eager to have one of Lily's meals again after all, Lily was famous down here for her cooking to the point people would skip work if she volunteered at a restaurant. 

The big moment of truth happened as Issei managed to grab a fork and knife curiously cutting what appeared to be the most perfectly cooked sunny side up egg possible as he made sure not to break the yolk cutting around it as he'd pop it into his mouth learning two things; One, He can indeed eat and enjoy food in this for. Two, His greatest goddess damned weakness isn't his perversion it's definitely his stomach as he began quite eagerly wolfing down his plate for a moment before sheepishly looking up at Kala and Lily who were just staring with a sweatdrop over their head. "...Look, In my defense, Even hells' food ain't this good Lily, If I had the money needed I'd hire you as a personal chef." Needless to say, She'd never heard praise that genuine and even her icy complexion drew a bit of redness for once... Something that Kala would most likely never stop teasing her over. 

To avoid the subject all together, The pinkette would just quickly turn around cooking though if one looked close enough, the tips of her ears were a scarlet hue that was so notable you'd spot it amongst her thick locks of hair as she went back to cooking trying to distract herself from the matter at hand as the two at the table began to discuss their plans "So, It'll be around a weeks travel, Even by Lily's ridiculous pace using her scythe. I decided during our trip I'd use a modified spell I've been working on to record the more beautiful areas we pass by so we could share our trip with the rest of them when we return, What do you think Kala?" 

The fallen angel would begin to cheer at the idea before a genuinely confused look crossed her face "Wait...When 'we' return, Ise, There's usually no way for us to go back to the land of the living without reincarnating and we'd both lose our memo----" The brown haired man had cut her off with a playful grin as he held up a small piece of bacon as the boosted gear called out :TRANSFER, Followed by the sound of a very fucking excited dragon screaming from the gauntlet:  "ISSEI IS THIS BACON WAIT HOW? SEND MORE PLEASE." 

A shared look of shock and realization hit both the reaper and fallen angel at the same time as they realized what he planned to do at this very moment "Well, I figured out I could do this a few years back along with a project I've been working with Azazel on. So, it turns out with my scales I can store souls within jewelry I create. And, Uh. That ability got far fucking stronger now that I have Eve as a sacred gear.... I figured this out when I went back and visited a Shinto shrine hoping to find some traces of where Shuri had gone..." 

The name drop had once more sent shock across the pink haired woman's face as she spoke slowly "Wait... That case was left to me, did you ever actually find any traces of her?" And, much to her surprise, He'd nod once again.  "I did but uh... It was confusing as to what I found. I found a crystalized feather rather then how fallen normally pass and inside of it I could hear Akeno's mother speaking to me.... I managed to develop the ability then and there for some reason when I picked it up, She turned into a raven-black obsidian ring and went into the boosted gear, I can summon it at will and over the time at the Grigori, we've began researching cloning far... far more heavily and I learned with my boosted gear I can forcibly recall someone's DNA though it's uh... Very taxing on the mind and body, I also have to relive how they died so that's going to suck... Also, It's not like I can do this limitlessly, It's one and done. I discussed this with Artemis, the prior one on a notion that I could bring her back if anything ever went wrong... I didn't really tell anyone else though... Ddraig was asleep during it so this is the first He will be learning of this too. I uh, Hope we can keep this between us four, soon to be five once Raynare learns of my plans."

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