''Clarity'' - Chapter 9

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"Speaking out loud"
"Screaming/Pain in voice"
'Speaking to a sacred gear/Various entities within it.'
"Sacred gear/Various entities speaking"
:Sacred gear/Various entities internal communication:
.:Sacred gear/Various entities personal thoughts:.

It's been a long time coming, sorry for the delay on writing.

I had ALOT of time to plan how I wanted to write though. :3 So that's good for me- Not so good for the readers who've been waiting. Sincerely sorry~!

In this chapter as the name implies, You're going to be learning QUITE a bit of what I have had working in the background.

This is a huge throwback to answering what happened in the "2 week battle" of chapter one.

A few of you have been wondering what's gonna happen with Rias, Xenovia and Irinia, The answers to that will be coming soon. Rias will be covered in this chapter lightly, Xenovia will be covered coming soon, and Irina probably last?

One of you tried to point out in chapter one her saying;
"I'm breaking the engagement before he wakes up." is a plot hole and should be rewritten, BUT this was DONE ON PURPOSE DUE TO AN ABILITY OF THE PAWN PIECE YOU ALL SEEM TO HAVE FORGOTTEN. She can intrinsically TELL he is in a coma, NOT why or how. But she could feel during the time he was gone that he went through a hell of a battle and just assumed it was training while she was... "busy."

Without further Adieu, Let's get to it. Cheers.

May 14th, Sirzechs' office.
With Venelana Gremory, Sirzechs and Zeoticus Gremory

Sirzechs himself could be seen with his hands folded in his hands seeming to think long and hard as his mother and father walked through the door. There was a screen hanging up on the side of the room and the room was damn near pitch black, A sight his mother certainly wasn't used to seeing as he always rambled on about how staying in pure dark rooms outside of sleeping would depress him. In his right hand he had a remote and could audibly be said "Why.... why the fuck does this always have to happen...? Why do people those I care for...? First that godawful war... And now this bullshit to someone I consider a second son... done by none other then my own sister.... seriously? Then the fucking Trihexa incident... and now we have a celebration today and I don't even think I can get in the mood for it...."

The last sentence came out as a choked whisper. He has clearly been crying for quite a while now out of mostly joy and honestly far too many mixed emotions... Relief, guilt for not being able to help him... All of this washed over him at once having learned Issei had woken up and is doing fine now as he was waiting for them to arrive.

It was a good five minutes or so once they let themselves into the room that he actually began to regain his composure as they came sitting across from him clearly giving their son as much time as he needed.

Once there was finally peace and quiet in the office his mother would speak up with a rather hushed tone clearly not trying to upset her son or let things escalate any further "You called the two of us here for a reason right, Zechs? It must have been very urgent to directly summon us under orders rather then a request to family." To which he tried his best to snap himself into business mode rather then carrying this on with a casual attitude but his emotions were clearly getting the better of him...

Out from under the desk the crimson haired man pulled out a bright manila folder with a very grim look across his face and simply said one thing. "I'm never going to try to help her again, Rias has dug her own grave should Issei ever see these.... Infact, I'm going to tell him... Not today as it would ruin everything... But soon, He needs to know... If I had known all of this before I confronted her that day, I'd have killed my own sister."

And, With those very grim words that left his mother wide eyed and his father's breath to hitch in his throat... He opened the envelope and revealed multiple pictures of Rias obviously going out on dates, Seeing other people... Cheating on Issei. To say Venelana was fuming mad didn't do it justice, Her aura would have physically shook the entire underworld for a good six seconds before she got herself under control... Zeoticus wasn't fairing much better as they had come to completely view Issei as their own child by proxy and trusted Rias not to break his damn heart with how hard he fought for her.

There were clearly two other folders but he just slid them back with a stare that simply said "It gets worse." Which lead to both of them just going pale not wanting to look into them just yet. Zeoticus took the time to speak up this time "Cutting her out of the family and inheritance wasn't enough... How did we go so wrong raising her...? Please, Just---... Not today, we can look over the other documentation another day okay son...? I don't think my heart or your mother's could take it... "

There was a deep pause in the room for a good half an hour before all three had sighed deeply clearly having set a silent pact to reveal the information when the time was better... Currently, They were worried that Issei would go full on juggernaut drive or worse if that were possible... And boy how right they fucking are about that possibility as the video coming would reveal...

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