Shótas pov
after the kids had left I went to get some snacks.. I'm exausted.. I only want to hold y/n in peace before someone interrupts so I basically gave up on that.. the hospital is so quiet without people walking around.. the doctor remembered me from the USJ incident they just basically let me stay.. guess it was pitty.
As I clicked the buttons on the vending machine I hear clicking of shoes. Something or someone is coming. I grip my scarf. "Everyone went home already.. what do you want shigaraki."
"Oh you know sho sho, the villain league misses you.. we miss you being able to get rid of our opponents.. now all you want to do is protect y/n from all for one.. it's a shame we all know what will happen to her.. why bother helping??" My face cringed. I want to leave that life I want my life to center around y/n.. not the villans.. I want to stay a hero.. no more slip ups like Last year..
"No. I wont help you. Not anymore atleast" I said in my monotone voice.
"Come on sho you know what we did at USJ was planned.. so you cant have hard feelings right??" I held my elbow "shigaraki. I only did it so you would leave me alone. I will still jump infront of a nomu for them kids." I heard a loud yell a quirk.
I know who it is..
"YEAHHHHHHH" [as one with a yelling quirk would say]
Shigaraki fell onto the floor and held his ears. A portal opened and someone pulled him in. A long silence as the portal closed.."What did you do shóta." Mics voice was almost killer.
I looked at the room y/n is in "I did what I needed to, to realize who i am."
"BY SELLING UA OUT!?" I nodded "yes. Go ahead. Arrest me."Mics eyes widend, he knew how important being a hero was for me and I was willing to give it up. I hated carring around the guilt that I could have killed thoes kids. Tears swelled in my eyes "GO AHEAD YAMADA. PLEASE DO SOMETHING." I screamed at the top of my voice.
"Guys what's going on?.." y/n said hesitantly.
(385 words!)

Blood shed (Aizawa x reader)
Fanfictiony/n cant catch a break. But honestly it brings her closer to the man that would soon be the love of her life #3 in aizawa×reader I will literally probably never update this again