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I sat in my apartment waiting for the mailman to show I heard a car pull up and walked outside I decided to wait until they leave, it took around 5 min  I stepped outside but looked down and saw a box it had a note on top I looked inside there was a kitten I grabbed the note and it read

Please take care of me!!!!!

Why me?! I had to take care of a cat now and finish preparing for being a teacher. I looked at the cat for minute it was a beautiful black kitten with yellow eyes I sat the box on the floor and she immediately jumped out. she needs a name


I have to go grocery shopping but I need somone to watch her I only have my brother hazashi

Y/n- hey, I need a favor

Bruva haz- what?

Y/n- someone just dropped off this cat at my door and now I need to go grocery shopping

Bruva haz- cool! Can I bring somone with me he wants to see it what's its name?

Y/n- shadow.

Bruva haz- okay be there in a few


After leaving my home as a child hazashi found me walking on the street he was like 14 and I was like 12 him and his parents adopted me as there child/sibling and I love them.



I got up and oped the door there was the homeless looking guy from earlier "hey I know you you're aizawa!, nice to see you again" hazashi looked at me "what you mean that you met him?" He said shocked "we bumped into each other this morning" aizawa said bluntly. Hazashi sighed "oh ok"
I forgot that they were were just outside i moved out the way "oh shit come in" they walked in and took off there shoes "well hazashi you know where every thing is, I'm gonna go to the store now, bye!" I walked out of the house but heard aizawa yell "be safe!" I laughed and started walking to the store.

Stay safe

Thank you for reading!!! ❤🖤❤🖤❤🖤❤🖤❤🖤❤🖤❤🖤🖤❤🖤❤🖤🖤❤🖤🖤❤🖤🖤❤🖤❤🖤🖤❤🖤❤🖤❤🖤🖤❤🖤❤🖤

(385 words)

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