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Aizawas POV

Hazashi told me his sister had a cat and asked him to watch her and he asked if I wanted to go ofcourse I said yes it was a cat how could I say no. Hazashi and I walked to  his sisters house which he told me nothing about as we arrived at her house hazashi told me to cover my ears, I cover them and he screamed then I heard her scream. hazashi stfu! I smirked but thank god I had bandages to cover my face. She oped her door and she was the one I bumped into this morning she looked kinda cute her hair was in a messy bun/just messy

After she left I kinda feel empty but I push the feeling down. I sat in the floor and played with shadow she jumped around as I was moving a feather on a stick in the air. Y/n kinda reminds me of a kitten so playful and she looks like one, her hair is a little messed up most of the time, the way she walks is just so perfect, her smile is so beautiful- wait why am I thinking of y/n like that i just met her like this morning its weird I haven't felt like this since my ex. Oh no not again I do not wanna fall in love not right now I'm still bandaged from the USJ what am I gonna do?

"Shota?!" "Huh" I jump back to reality "what are you thinking about?" Hazashi asked me with a confused look on his face "uh, nothing" I said quickly "ok?" He said hesitantly

Yeah nothing

Thank you for reading I appreciate you very much ❤🖤❤🖤❤🖤❤🖤❤🖤❤🖤❤🖤❤🖤❤🖤❤🖤❤🖤❤🖤

(300 words!!!!)

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