Omake: A Horrendous First Step

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(Forest between Villenueve and Beast's Castle - Several Decades Ago)

Xehanort could only groan as he picked himself up from the rubble he had crashed into.

He knew that should have trained a little more in how to use the Corridor of Darkness despite his Master's insistence that he was ready.

Yet he tried so anyway, all he ended up doing was crash through a wooden shack from 20 feet in the air.

He got up and was about to regain his bearings and vanish when he saw and angry blonde woman in front of him, with a broom in one hand and magic rippling from her other one.

"I'm going to give you two options, either you sweep up the remains of my roof willingly and rebuild it from scratch or I will turn you into a broomstick for the rest of the day and then make you fix it through force. So chose wisely." The enraged sorceress demanded angerly.

Xehanort spend the next three days rebuilding the roof by hand and told the enchantress whatever she wanted.

(Keyblade Graveyard - Three days later)

An exhausted Xehanort opened a Corridor of Darkness to the Keyblade Graveyard and perched himself on a rocky outcropping.

Another Corridor opened from behind him and he saw a figure in a Black Coat emerge with the hood up.

"Well that was certainly fast, I expected you to have been through quite a few worlds before you returned. So how many world have you seen and what happened?" The figure asked, his voice ancient with a trace of sadness and concern, but still carried a tone of mirth into his words.

"Only one and I do not wish to talk about it now." Xehanort sighed out, causing the figure to sigh. He turned to face the young Keyblade Master, the silver eyes underneath his hood brimming with concern.

"Looks like you were right kid, you did need more practice. So here is what we are going to do, you are going to get some rest and we are going to talk about what happened once you are refreshed. After that we are going to spend the rest of the week training on the Corridor of Darkness." The figure said before placing a hand on Xehanort's shoulders. "Then we are going to send you off with a proper send off with streamers, confetti, cake, basically the whole party schtick and will have yourself a proper world tour!"

"I take it that you would do so anyway, despite what I may say." Xehanort sighed out with a small smile.

"You bet!" The figure declaired, getting Xehanort to chuckle a bit.

"Very well Master, if that is what you wish." Xerhaort said as he seperated himself from the hooded figure.

"Also take a shower before you rest, you smell like you haven't bathed in days." His Master said, getting Xehanort to chuckle a bit as the two began to walk in two different directions.

"Until next time Master." Xehanort said.

"Until next time my apprentice." His Master said back.

The two of them opened their respective Corridors and vanished into them.

(Omake end)

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