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(Radiant Garden - Water Treatment System)

Braig tapped his foot on the floor while waiting for his intending audience to show.

This was the same chamber he usually meet with Xehanort and the occasional Vanitas whenever they showed up. It was also were the old man wanted to lure the eldest apprentice, Terra if he recalled to this chamber for his plan.

It was the perfect place for a meeting or an ambush.

And right now he was getting impatient.

He had managed to convince Dilan to look after Kairi for about 10 minutes and he was 5 minutes into that time.

He was hoping that Vanitas showed up or else people in the castle were going to start asking questions.


Ah, there he is.

Braig side stepped a sphere of darkness before turning to face Vanitas, smirking as he was trying and failing to summon his Keyblade.

"Took you long enough." He said simply, getting Vanitas to glare.

"What the hell did you do to my Keyblade?!" Vanitas spat out.

"Nothing much, just placed a barrier around here that'll keep any and all prying eyes off of me. Especially the one on your Keyblade, unless of course you wish to face me with your original Keyblade, the one your brother made for you." Braig said, getting wisps of darkness to begin forming off of Vanitas in waves. "Unless you think that you aren't worthy enough for it...or you think that it wasn't even yours in the first place."

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!" Vanitas shouted as darkness exploded off of him, until he took a quick breath and stilled a little bit of his darkness. "Like you have any right to your Keyblade Luxu! The old coot is in possession of it!"

"Luxu, who said I was Luxu? I could be anybody. I could be him, Ira, Aced, Invi, Ava, or Gula." Braig said with a grin, getting the ancient Keyblade wielder to scoff.

"Get real I know who your are! I would have definitely known if you were Gula. Besides I knew who you are by the feel of your heart! It was brief, but I've been around Ava to know the feeling of a heart from the Celestial Aegis and only two people have successfully come from their in our time and hers was the only one with a fully human heart! So enough games Luxu you traitor!" Vanitas shouted, gathering darkness in his hands and glaring at the Foreteller.

For a second there was silence, before Braig burst into laughter while clapping his hands.

"Congratulations you figured me out kid!" Braig, no Luxu said, his laugh subsiding. "It seems like the apple doesn't fall that far from the tree, cause you got Gula's deductive skills. And for the fact I was part human, though that was in the minority. Now I'm fully human, my heart is still the same though."

"I said enough games Luxu! You and the Master abandoned us all! The Foretellers, The Unions, everyone! You abandoned all of us all and look where it lead. Our world has shattered into countless others, The Keyblade War erupted, hundreds of millions died when our world shattered, and hundreds of Keyblade wielders including myself were exiled to a pocket dimension in a false sanctuary! So tell me was it all worth it, tell me!" Vanitas said, getting Luxu's grin to drop.

"You want answers kid, fine I give you an answer or two. But you are not ready for the full truth yet." Luxu said seriously, getting Vanitas to generate dark electricity in his hand.

"Like hell I am! Hasteza!" Vanitas said, before disappearing in a burst of speed. Luxu tried to keep up with him, but Vanitas kept ramming into him and punching the Foreteller. Each and every hit releasing pules of darkness and lightning.

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