The First Trial

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'He is really starting to creep me out.' Roxas thought as he noticed Xehanort was fixing his piercing gaze onto the Nobody and Ven and it was seriously unnerving for the both of them. When Terra and Aqua reached the bottom of the steps, he turned to face them and leaned back into his throne. Both of the blonds let out their breath with the elderly Keyblade Master's attention was off them.

"That was a little creepy." Ven breathed out, getting a nod from Ven.

Eraqus got up from his throne and took a few steps in front of the center throne. Once he made sure that his apprentices's and Roxas's attention was on him, he turned his eldest two and began to speak.

"Aqua. Terra. Today you will be examined for the Mark of Mastery. Not just one, but two of the Keyblade's chosen stands here as candidates- but this is neither a competition, nor a battle for supremacy. It is not a test of wills, but rather a test of heart."

'I wonder that if a Nobody like me qualifies for the Mark of Mastery then?' Roxas thought humorously As Eraqus continued his speech.

"Both of you may prevail, or neither." Eraqus said, before he turned his head to Xehanort and continued. "But I am sure our guest, Master Xehanort, did not travel all this way to see our youngest prospects in years fall short of the mark." He turned his attention to his students.

"I trust that you are ready." He finished.

This was Aqua's and Terra's last chance to back out of the exam. Doing so would result in immediately failure and they would have to try again next year.

But he already knew their answer.

"Yes." Both replied with a curt nod.

With that Eraqus smiled and summoned his Keyblade.

"Then let the examinations begin!" The Keyblade Master shouted as he got into a stance. His Keyblade lit up and behind the examinees multiple spheres of light appeared.

From his throne Xehanort let out a small smirk, signaling for his unseen accomplice to begin.

"Showtime." The figure said as he channeled the darkness that has built around his hands into the orbs.

Roxas frowned as he sensed a large amount of darkness coming from somewhere. But before he could pin point what it's source was, he heard Terra and Aqua gasp.

He turned to see that the orbs were now corrupted by darkness and were moving erratically. It looked like that they were encircling the eldest apprentices.

Turning to the Keyblade Masters, his suspicions proved correct. While Eraqus was shocked by the turn of events, Xehanort was smirking from his throne. While it seemed the sudden turn of events were of his design, the darkness didn't originate from him.

Meaning that there was someone else in the room.

"Ven! Roxas!" Aqua shouted, getting his attention.

Both Terra and Aqua were surrounded by orbs and were fending them off, but three of them were coming after both of the blonds.

Ven summoned his Keyblade and knocked it into the wall, dissipating the orb.

Roxas summoned Oathkeeper and silently cast Fire, destroying the other two orbs with a well placed fireball. After that he couldn't help but look at Ven's Keyblade.

It was perhaps the most unusual Keyblade that he has ever seen, for it was designed for a reverse grip with a black handle. The guard was misaligned and was a dull gold color except for the part connected to the shaft. The shaft itself was a dull grey with three gold lines in the middle and an outward curve around the teeth. The teeth was connected to the shaft by two bars and was wing shaped with 5 gray bars at the end. It had a long keychain with a green gem surround by two small silver wisps of wind at the end.

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