25 : Threats.

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| Lazily edited, close your eyes <3

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Min Yoongi wasn't a man who gave up easily.

In fact, his entire existence, he never gave up and always fought to prove everyone's assumptions about him wrong.

When people thought he was living off of daddy's money, he moved out of the family home to be his own provider.

When people told him he wasn't fit to be an heir, he worked harder to prove them wrong.

When people thought he'd be the worst chief executive officer Min Enterprises would ever know, he broke his back to work to be the best one to date.

So naturally, when Sydney Bachelor told him to stay away, he continued digging and as always, it ended up paying off, but to what price ?

These days, it suddenly felt warmer, hotter in the big city, so naturally, wearing sweats wasn't an option anymore.

Imagine Yoongi's surprise when he found out that under these peels of clothes, Sydney hid a baby bump.

She was wearing that felt more like Sydney Bachelor, and the key to her aesthetic was tight clothes, making the baby bump unmistakable, that and the fact that she walked out of a baby store.

Yoongi chuckled dryly, wiping his face with an hand as he cussed under his breath, feeling extremely stupid.

It all made sense : her sudden public appearance, the complete change of fashion when she rarely went out, her nausea that led her to throw all over him, her sudden desire to 'be healthy' and quit smoking.

Everything made perfect sense.

Yoongi didn't know what to feel other than jealous and enraged, keeping himself together in front of the detective though he wanted to destroy his entire office.

How could she carry Jimin's baby when she refused to carry his ?

How could she completely steal his man from him ? Have a bond forever with him ?

Why did she always somehow win ?

But this time Yoongi wouldn't let her, no.

This time he'll get Jimin back and win against Sydney, no matter what and if he had to get down and dirty for victory, he will.

That's exactly why he invited Jimin for lunch.

At first the blondie was reluctant, not knowing what to expect from Yoongi and fearing for his safety, but after hearing certain words from the older, he immediately changed his mind.

'If you don't get in this car, you won't know why you'll be in the misery I'm about to put you through.'

Jimin didn't want Sydney to be stressed out, he didn't want her to feel any kind of anxiety during her pregnancy.

These days, just the mention of Min Yoongi's name seemed to set her off like a clock, so he thought the smartest choice was to follow him and try to get him to leave them alone, though he doubted he could do that.

"You look absolutely stunning today, Jimin." Yoongi complimented him. "If I didn't have self-control I'd be on my knees between your legs under this table."

Yoongi's bold words made Jimin choke on the water he was drinking, not expecting that.

Yoongi never talked to him that way, it was extremely strange to hear something like this coming out of his mouth.

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