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Embers pov

I climbed out of bed and went downstairs quietly to make sure dad was asleep he probably wouldn't care if I snuck out anyways but it's the thought that counts.

I stealthily made my way to the front door and a chill crept over my body I ignored it and walked straight out the front door it was dark out but I could still see some there was a nearby street light. I went the opposite direction from the street light and straight into the woods  I always came to the woods to calm myself down it always helped I liked to draw the nature by this creek. I walked to my normal spot and felt like I was being watched but continued forward maybe if i held my head high they would get scared and walk away or something.

I sat on a rock near the creek and took out a candle and my sketchbook I quickly lit the candle and placed it on the ground so I could see. I grabbed the pencil and tried to find a clean page in my sketchbook it took a while to find a page and when I did I let out a sigh of relief dad normally doesn't buy me new things. I sketched the creek and the surrounding area I still felt like I was being watched tho. I continued to draw and heard a slight growl behind me it felt like it was right next to my ear I slowly turned around and was faced with a black and brown wolf staring straight at me with its amber eyes I stared back in shock "hey little dude" I mumbled out and finally realized how big it was "er I mean big dude you really got gains I see" I say and slowly stand up I think in situations like this your supposed to run but I felt like I was being pulled towards the wolf. I slowly walked over to the wolf and it didn't move at all just stared I kneeled in front of it and lifted my hand so the wolf could smell it then I slowly raised my hand and scratched above it's snout the wolf leaned into my touch it all felt fake as I scratched the wolf I felt sparks all throughout my body the wolf walked closer to me and nuzzled it's head onto my shoulder I was so shocked I've never heard of an animal doing this. The wolf started to relax when a twig snapped and we both shot our heads in the direction of the noise the wolf looked at me confused then stood infront of me growling like it was protecting me I heard something coldly laugh then run. I stood up and went to get my stuff I was not about to die tonight I mean the wolf was nice but still not gonna die the wolf nudged my hand with the end of its snout "I'm sorry I have to go my dad might get worried about me" I lied and scratched its snout once again the wolf stayed by my side the whole time I packed up my stuff "your a strange creature I've never heard of a wolf doing this" I said and scratched behind the wolfs big ears. I blew out the candle and put the sketchbooks into my bag and held the candle I didn't want wax in my back pack I started walking and the wolf walked behind me I finally reached the street where the lights were and I could see my house I turned around and faced the wolf now getting a better look at it I could now see it was a girl "I'm sorry girl you can't come home with me my dad would be pissed and I don't have enough money to feed you I barley have enough for myself" I said and the wolf turned its head and then dropped it towards the ground I pet her head and she lifted it back up giving me a huge lick across the face I giggled then started to walk away. I got to my house and looked back the wolf had watched me walk all the way to my house and when I went inside she ventured back into the woods.

I sighed out of frustration that I was back home I heard footsteps and looked towards the hall and saw my dad he was about 6'5 he had a buzz cut and had a slight tan me and him looked a lot alike with facial features but he always said I acted just like my mom I kinda remembered her but tried to push her out of my thoughts as often as I could.

My dad stared at me blankly "where have you been" he said and walked over to me then made a shocked face "why do you smell like dog" he said in a questioning tone I lifted my shirt a bit to smell it and I kinda did smell like dog "sorry dad I didn't mean to wake you I just went on a walk a big dog found me" I said I didn't really wanna tell him it was a wolf not a big dog it would just confuse him and he wouldn't believe he started twisting his wedding band he only would do that when he missed mom "did mom like dogs?" I question and he shakes his head yes I walked over and hugged him he must really miss mom a lot "sweetheart I know your 18th birthday is coming in only in 2 days do you have anything in mind"he asked and I totally forgot about my birthday I tensed up and he saw it he just rubbed my arm "it's okay just think about it" he said and kissed my forehead then went back to his room to sleep I went to my room after and sat on the bed I started thinking about my 18th birthday.

I started thinking about the wolf and how I wanted to see her again then I heard a howl and relaxed thinking how maybe there was a chance that the howl was her.

Damn first chapter cool I kinda don't have a plan for this but that's okay I'll make it up as I go.

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