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Embers pov

It had been one day and tomorrow was my birthday all I asked for was a new sketchbook and drawing stuff I couldn't think of anything else.

I walked into the woods with my stuff and went to the creek I felt that strange chill again before I walked out but once again ignored it.

I sat on a different rock this time so I could draw the creek from a different angle then I saw my favorite sight the wolf I smiled and stood up she looked confused but walked over and rubbed against my leg then I sat down and it sat down also with her head on my lap I pet the wolfs head "it's my 18th birthday tomorrow" I said to the wolf and continued drawing it lifted its head and stared at me straight in the eyes she looked to confused for a creature I giggled at the sight "it's okay I'll still come visit but probably not as much I'm gonna start working a lot to help my dad get by he doesn't make much" I said and tears formed in the corner of my eye "I think we're gonna lose the house" I said in a low voice and tried to cover my face with my hands the wolf nudged them out of the way and licked away my tears I laughed a little and got what looked to be a smile or as much of a smile you can get from a wolf "I would invite you over but your a wolf and I told my dad you were just a dog I think your a bit big to play it off as a dog" I said smiling at the wolf "I don't even have a name for you I just call you wolf it's kinda sad" I said and tried to hide in my hands again and the wolf licked me again and put her front paws in my lap now she was standing on her hind legs with the support of my lap but she was taller than me sitting down I stared into the wolfs amber eyes they looked almost human I stopped crying and she got off my lap i heard a snap of a twig again but I guess she didn't cause I whipped my head around but she didn't "wolfy did you hear that" I said softly and started picking up my things and the wolf turned around and got infront of me I heard another wolf howl and a all black wolf appeared infront of us it looked to be a boy and growling it was a lot smaller than her like almost normal dog size. I felt like I was dreaming the whole world felt like it was moving 100 miles per hour I felt like I was gonna faint I felt blood splatter across my shirt I looked down and saw her above the black wolf who was now dead then I did lose it and fainted.

I woke up sweating "oh my god honey are you alright" my dad said running over to me I looked at my shirt covered in blood and almost fainted again then I felt a warm hand on my shoulder and I felt sparks move throughout my body I turned around and was greeted by a girl with amber eyes staring at me I felt like I'd looked at them many times before then I remembered wolfy and started freaking out "I have to go a dog saved me I have to go make sure she's okay" I said frantically and tried to get up I couldn't "I wouldn't try that I found you in the woods covered in blood and I'm pretty sure you have a bad sprained ankle" the woman said and I nodded still trying to get up "she's stubborn just like her mom" my dad said and sounded kinda scared I finally slumped down on the couch and gave up I stuck out my bottom lip and pouted "this is stupid" I said and my dad and the woman both laughed she had a really nice laugh and her voice was kinda raspy and nice she was also hot "sweetheart did you forget it's your birthday and your sitting here pouting" my dad said and put an arm around my shoulder I stopped pouting cause I had totally forgot the woman sat on the couch next to me my dad smiled "okay I have good and bad news what do you want first"my dad said and I raised an eyebrow and pretended to think "I suppose the bad" I said and my dad kinda sunk he looked me straight in my eyes and I felt like I was in a trance "we're losing the house I can't afford it anymore and I got fired" he said and my eyebrows scrunched together I felt like I was gonna cry I tried to bury my head in my hands but the woman pulled them away and put my hands in my lap I gave her a strange look and she kinda smiled at me "okay but good news we won't be homeless this woman offered us a home" my dad said happily every emotion from my face dropped I stood up and just stared at him "you have know this woman for less than a fucking day but yippee fucking hoo let's go get kidnapped" I spat out angrily and stormed back to my room I sat on the bed and thought about wolfy I wonder if she's okay. I sat crying on my bed when I heard a knock "go away I'm not in the mood" I said soft but sternly then it opened and the woman walked towards me I backed up till I hit a wall I was in the far corner of my bed and she was just on the edge "I won't hurt you I'm asta" she said and extended her hand towards me i just shook my head and she dropped her hand "sorry I forgot please I'm not a stranger I knew your mom she was a wonderful woman and me and your father somewhat know each other" she said and smiled "yeah somewhat" I mumbled and got back under my blankets I tried pulling them over my head and she stopped me "I'm trying to help" she said and I searched her amber eyes for any sign of a lie she was being completely honest I let go of the blanket and she sat beside me now "your a lot like your mom actually I only knew her when I was pretty young but she was stubborn and short tempered but she was also kind sometimes" she whispered the last part but I still heard due to my weird hearing "I know you saw the wolf where did she go"I said sternly looking into her eyes "it's a werewolf actually and I think it ran away" she said in a stupid tone "your a bad liar I know she's a werewolf dumbass" I said and slightly laughed "she protected me twice I have to repay her but how am I supposed to repay a werewolf" I said and looked at my lap disappointed "ear and snout scratches? Maybe" she said and smiled again "when do we have to go to your house and is it far" I said and she shook her head "it's in the forest behind your house it's how I found you and like soon" she said and I could hear another lie every time she lied I felt like my ear twitched I think she noticed "thank you" I said softly and got up from my bed still thinking about that wolf.

I literally want a cookies and cream Twix so bad

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