Sixth Commandment

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Akashi mumbled in his sleep as he clenched the bed sheets of his king-sized bed. It wasn't a frequent thing, it happened in those times that he felt the empty feeling inside.

Stirring to the opposite side, he reached out slowly, mumbling words incoherently as he reached. No one knew about this and he himself never realized it.

When his hand was now up in the air. He quickly snapped his mismatched eyes open and sat up with a low groan.

It cause a slight throb invading his head but nothing serious as rubbed his face with his clammy hands. 'It'll pass...the pain will pass' He thought as he continued to rubbed the throbbing pain in his head.

When the throbbing slowly faded but sure enough won't crawl back to his head, he cracked his aching bone. A silent desperate call for his attention as he cracked and stretched his body after he got out of his bed.

With a soft yawn escaping from his slightly dry lips. He scrunched up his nose in distaste.

Morning breath

He walked to his built-in bathroom while scratching his itching body at the lower region. Nothing but the blunet came into his mind.

He wasn't lying if he ever say that he missed mornings with Kuroko. It was at the first year out of three that he had to sleep alone in his bed.

It was hard getting used to the loneliness when you were too accustomed with sleeping with somebody close to you.

Or in this case.


That made Akashi stopped in mid-brush. Did he really love Kuroko?

That was a solemn question left unanswered.

That certain question kept popping in his mind for the last three years he was not sure about himself anymore. It was strange to be honest about it.

He shook his head. He already moved one right?


A sudden knocked echoed in his room before he quickly finished brushing. Raking his messy red locks that have been growing for some time now.

He didn't care about it.

Not when his confused deep inside.

"Yes?" Akashi said with a raised eyebrow as he stared at his father who rolled his eyes. "Good morning to you too Sei-kun. Just dropping by to tell you that I'll be gone for the whole day and if you need some advice on the shipments and meetings just leave a message don't call me no matter wha-" "Why?" The younger Akashi interrupted at the end with crossed arms over his nicely toned and defined chest.

The older Akashi sighed. "Because." He said which made his son stared at him with a suspicious look.

"Because...?" He gave a look showing he wanted answers. "I'm visiting Alex." He finally said with a sigh of defeat because his son's hard glare wasn't doing any good.

"You're going to America?" He asked again. The older Akashi wanted to leave right now but this very rare of his son asking too many questions.

"Something like that..just for the day or so and don't you have a breakfast meeting with Natsu's son?" He asked his son this time. It was a good thing that he had Mibuchi before he went to his son; a change of course if his excuse gets backfired.

That made the younger Akashi frown. His father was right as always, he has a meeting in about 20 minutes.

"I'll see you soon father. " He finally said after staring at his father with a blank look. He shut his door closed and that was the older Akashi's cue to leave.

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