Eigth Commandment

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Akashi sighed, "This isn't exactly a good time-" "Then when is?" Kuroko cut with a narrow of his eyes. "You know better to cut me off Tetsuya." The redhead said with a warning look.

"I do but Akashi-kun why can't we talk now?" He tried again. The said man looked at him with a conflicted look, three years ago he was afraid to show him this but after all of the days had passed he was willing to show this to him.

"I have a tight schedule and where is Alexandra?" Speaking of the blonde, the blunet was also questioning her disappearance mentally. "She said she will be back shortly." He said.

"Typical of her to say, Tetsuya follow me." He said while gesturing his hand for the pale man to follow. Kuroko hesitated but nevertheless followed him out and went to private elevator.

The blunet shifted from one foot to another as he looked anywhere else than the man beside who clearly was too close for comfort. The strawberry scent was strong when he accidentally leaned but the redhead didn't bother acknowledging it.

"I see you've change quite a lot." Akashi commented briefly. The blunet snapped his head to see the unreadable eyes of his former master but didn't bother comment immediately.

"Likewise." He mumbled while coughing lightly. Akashi sighed once more but it sounded more desperate.

"Tetsuya I know I've lied to you and I'm not asking for your forgiveness but I liked to be acquainted again if that's alright. I've lost you twice and I'm not really looking forward for a thrice." He chuckled humorless before looking at the dead sky blue orbs.

Kuroko cracked a smile but looked like a grimance. "Convince me if you're worthy Akashi-kun because I'm not really forgiving." 'That's what Chihiro said three years ago.' Akashi thought while nodding his head.

"By the way Tetsuya, how long are you staying here?" Akashi asked just to pass the time. It's almost ten minutes and they were still inside the elevator.

"About two weeks from now." The said man said nonchalantly while looking at the clear-glassed windows, the scenery was nice as they slowly descended. When they went up it felt much of five minutes had passed.

Akashi hummed but didn't said a word as the door of the elevator finally opened and they walked out. "Where excatly are we going?" Kuroko asked as they went to the private section of the parking lot.

"You have to wait and see." The redhead said while opening the door and gestured for the blunet to get in. "What are you waiting for?" Akashi said impatiently with a raised eyebrow.

"It's strange to see you driving. Usually someone would drive for you." Kuroko said honestly surprised with shocked glint in his eyes. "I'm not in school anymore. I can drive on my own perfectly fine." He gestured for the blunet to come inside and he did.

"Of course." Kuroko mumbled when the redhead entered the driver's seat. Akashi inserted the key and twisted it on as the car slowly roared to life and next he knew they were now on the highway bridge going to who knows what.

"I've contacted Alexandra and I was right since last week." Akashi said after minutes of silence. "About what?" Kuroko asked as he stared at the right side of his former master's blank face.

"She knew three years ago that I wanted you to meet her but I was still conflicted about us then you met Masako who wasn't informed about the sudden changes and that's when things got messy." Akashi said with another sigh. "Care to enlighten me?" Kuroko asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well where should I start? Five years ago my father decided that I should be engage with Araki Tadashi's daughter as you well know was your highschool senpai Masako. Father said if I was wed to Masako the stakes will double for both companies and profiting us better but that all change after two years when I met you again. Tetsuya I loved you I still do even when I was engaged. Alexandra disliked Masako because Alexandra was engaged to Masako's cousin who is the current owner of the language translator company. I'm not sure why but she just does. When our feelings were mutual I've convinced my father that I wanted to marry you instead and he was conflicted at first so I asked your mother to have a word with him and for return she would see you again. Yes, it was the day you punched me. Proven that you love me no matter what I wanted you to meet someone who took care of me but as you know Masako was tricked by Chihiro clearly confusing the both of you." He explained as the car's engine stopped. The dark red car was now in front a private land.

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