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I ran over to my desk next to my dresser and grabbed my camera. I was going exploring, once again. I felt this weird urge to wander around the city again, like I knew I was going to see something I was destined to see.

I ran down the stairs and hollered at my dad.

"Daddy! I'm going to wander!" I yelled throughout the house just like i did 2 days ago. I could hear his chuckles echo through the half way empty house.

"Be back by dark!" He answered. But I knew I could be home whenever I wanted. Which, if you ask me, is a saftey hazard. I could get kidnapped and he would never know. But, I knew how to take care of myself, or so I thought.

After buying myself a coffee from this really cute Irish cafe, i began to look at flyers on light posts. Why was I so obsessed with looking at other peoples bussiness. It.. facinated me. I was reading on about this band was prerforming at the irish cafe I was just at, tomorrow night. I heard whimpering from around the corner, I imediatley followed the sound. Someone could be hurt, or dying! I turned the corner and found puppies. In a box. My heart swelled up and I knew I was going to bring one home. Whether daddy wanted it or not.

I looked over and saw a man with a smile on his face. I smiled back, and went over to the puppies.

They were so small, but one stuck out to me. He was smaller than the rest, and was biting on anothers ear, who was sleeping. I smiled and croutched down to get a better look. I smiled when he trotted over to me and started nibbling on my hand.

"What kind are they?" I asked the man. He chuckled and replied.

"Full blood irish wolfhound there darlin'." He said, nodding. his Irish accent clear in his rogue voice. I smiled and picked up the puppy. He began licking my face and trying to bite my nose. I giggled.

"How much?" I asked, I really wanted this puppy. But, if they were full blood, I knew the price wouldn't be cheap.

He thought for a moment then licked his lips.

"Free. He likes'ya." He replied. a big smile spread across my face.

"Really?" I asked, overly excited. He nodded.

"There's somethin' special 'bout him lass. You'll figure it out." He replied while walking inside. I continued to carry the puppy to the nearest pet shop. I knew dad would warm up to him. It's better tan a cat, he hates cats. As I was passing the Irish crowd in the street, the puppy began howling at random strangers. I apologized and went on my way.

I bought him all the essentials and things he needed and headed home. 

i was thinking of names when I came across one I heard in English one. It meant 'little hero'.

"Begley." I said, and he barked. I guess that was a yes. He sat in the passenger seat, looking out of the window and we left the city. 

"Dad!" I yelled as I walked through the door. Begley barked and I shushed him.

"Did I just hear a bark?" dad asked. And I knew I was caught. But it was alright.

"Um, no.." I played. He walked into the room and stopped when he saw the puppy in my hands. I let Begley down he he ran over to dad. Wagging his tail. I saw dad smile and I knew I was off the hook.

"So.. Can we keep him?" I asked. Giving dad the face I always gave when i wanted something. 

He picked up the puppy and looked him in the eyes. I laughed and went over to him. 

"Please daddy.. Pleeeease." I begged, folding my hands. He smiled and handed me the puppy. And i knew it was a yes.


Slow beginning, i know. Niall is coming sooner than you think ;)

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