Chapter 10: Birthday Party

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Wolf was now laying in the med lab after that battle with Anti-Matter. Wolf wakes up with a startled.

"Princess!" He shouts as he gets up. Snake and the others rush to him to calm him down.

"Whoa, buddy. Take it easy. It's okay." Snake said. Wolf gets confused on how he ended up here.

"What happened?" Wolf asked.

"We'll tell you! You huffed, puffed, and blew Anti-Matter away!" Piranha said.

"Yeah man! You totally defeated him!" Shark said.

"You were so cool!" Webs said. Wolf smiles.

"Where's Princess?" He asked.

"Right here." Diane said holding Princess. Wolf smiles at seeing her.

"Wolf! You're okay." Princess said as she hugs him.

"Yeah. I'm okay." Wolf said. Caitlin then entered the room.

"Well, your vitals and your health seems to be all in order though you used a lot of energy when you used your Sonic Howl. I suggest you get a lot of rest." Caitlin said.

"What about Anti-Matter?" Wolf asked.

"Don't worry about that moron. He and his friends are locked away on Stryker Island. They're never going to escape." Snake said. Wolf smiled at hearing that.

"Well, I'm going to help the rest of the JL. Snake, make sure he gets some rest." Caitlin said as she leaves.

"Don't worry. I'll strap him down if I have too." Snake said with a smirk. Wolf chuckled and laid back down to rest a little more.

After defeating Anti-Matter and Ultra Rogues, they got ready to celebrate Princess and Snake's birthday at the Hall of Justice. As the day was coming, Oliver, Barry, Kara, Sara, Jefferson, and Ryan were training Princess on how to control her powers. Wolf, Snake and the rest watched and helped when needed.

Finally, the great day came. The Bad Guys and the JL were decorating the Hall of Justice for Snake and Princess. The two with Mick Rory were away at the JL Museum until it was time to come.

"And I think we're done." Wolf said looking around.

"Here they come!" Marmalade shouts as they shut the lights off. Snake, Princess, and Mick walk in to see only pitch blackness. Suddenly the lights flashed on revealing the Bad Guys and heroes.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRINCESS AND SNAKE!" The Bad Guys and the JL shouts. There

"Awww. Thank you guys." Princess said as runs to hug the Bad Guys.

"I thought I told you not to make it about me." Snake snapped.

"Oh, come on. It's your birthday too. You deserve to be noticed and loved." Barry said.

"Hey, remember that one big birthday we did for Snake when we were criminals?" Wolf asked his friends.

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