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Jabh se rakha hain ankhon mein tujhe,

Log ankhon se jalte hain....


We should never take stress or never get nervous or else we really might forget what we learned.

We should never try to rush in exam or else one or two are answers definitely get undone.

We must try to be calm and have speed to complete the exam on time. And never ever check your book or else you might think we didn't did good at exam.

I tried these all and did my best in exam but I felt like someone watching me and I am sure there was this black car stalking me from last three exams.

I avoided it but still get panicked when I see the car behind my car. I go with chacha jaan who drops and pick me.

Two more papers are left than I will complete my all dramas and clean my room happily. I will do my best and when my results will be out ammi will be so happy.

I just want my ammi to be happy. Papa will be satisfied if get pass but if I pass with best than ammi will be proud of me. And I want that.

Taking a deep breath I finished the coffee and studied the whole book with the modal papers. Just want score good marks.

When I was about to sleep ammi walked in with tears in her eyes. I sat straight as she came and sat beside me.

She stared at me for a good minute than hugged me tightly. I smiled and hugged her back. Knowing that she was stressed out as baba is out for some work and she was alone in room.

"Ammi sleep with me come here I will put you to sleep." I smiled and said pat at my side bed.

"Your have exam maya sleep."she told in hoarse voice look like she cried for hours.

"Uff ammi come here sleep with me."

I pulled her to me with great difficulties and than hugged tightly. She patted my head with love.

"Ammi what if I don't come home someday? What will you do?"

"Where will you go maya, you know that I can find even if you go far like Japan right?" She joked

"You will find me na ammi?"I don't know why I was talking to her like this. I felt a deep pang in my heart seeing her eyes with tears.

"Don't go maya I will can't live without you meri jaan." A tear fell from my eyes. What's wrong with me Allah!!

"Ammi I just asked you to tease you shonaa stop crying like you are a baby shhh. Sleep and wake me for fajr." Ammi hmmed and we slept together

Ammi sometimes get emotional when she misses her late mother who paased away due to heart attack last month.

I feel bad for her, ammi is so nice and don't deserve this pain but we can't do anything. I kissed ammi on her shoulder and slept.

Next day ammi came with a cup of milk and help with some things while I finish my cup of milk.

I don't like to do breakfast during exams I just can't swallow food. Just amaya kind of thing.

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