Chapter 3 Lockdown

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Logan sneaks down the barren hallways without a soul sound being heard only the sound of logans breathing and the sound of the hallway lights humming. the farther down logan goes floor by floor the more scared he begins to feel, fearing to get down to the first floor and finding the herd to have snuck inside while he was gone. The more logans mind conjures up the thoughts of what he could find the slower he begins to walk as he is already down to the second floor, with the faint sound of growing being heard logan can't tell if there might be some of the dead already down in the lobby. With each step logan takes he clenches onto the pistol in his holster more and more before drawing his pistol at the final flight of stairs rounding the corner down to the black metal stairs with the shaggy brown carpet laying on top of it and the red brick walls making the light up above give off an almost reddish hue giving the room a creepy bloody look. logan reaches the final step, then getting down to the last little bit of floor in front of the white door, he then creeps over to the door slowly cracking it open to see if there are any dead within sight. With the room looking clear logan remembers seeing dead sneak into the apartment making logan keep his gun drawn with his shaky hand and legs shaking as he slowly makes his way over to the blue tinted glass doors. Logan quickly slips one of the locks through the handle of the door locking it with the key that had been taped to the back of the lock. with the door now locked and only a few dead stumbling around outside logans guard slips down as he closes his eyes falling back into one of the chairs lining the walls of the lobby and wiping his face dropping the pistol into the chair besides him closing his eyes with only the sound of growing dead walking the street and car alarms going off in the distance to accompany him in the darkness of his weary head. Logan lays in the chai with his eyes closed slowly slipping into a small nap before the sound of glass being pounded on wakes him up making logan jump out of his chair looking around grabbing the gun from the chair besides where he just was pointing it at the front door seeing a dead woman pounding on the door with blood dripping onto her white blouse with holes and bites covering her body. The more logan begins to regain his train of thought and look at the dead woman he notices just who the woman is. It is logans mom now with only the desire to kill whoever she sees in her dead brain. At the sight of seeing his dead mom logan falls back with teary eyes. "No... no, no, no" cries logan as he walks in circles holding his hands to his eyes with his mother's bloody mouth biting at the glass. The crying logan lays in the middle of the marble floor of the lobby with the pistol in his hand, logan then looks at his dead mother trying to get through the door he then looks to his left looking down at his pistol. Logan then closes his eyes bringing the gun up to the side of his head with his tear covered face shaking with fear as logan begins to yell out as he holds the gun to his head slowly squeezing the trigger, then swinging to gun aiming it at the door with a single shot ringing out with the sound of the glass door shattering, and logans mothers body falling down to the ground with a hole in her face and a pool of blood beginning to surround her head. Logan crawls back against the wall with his whole body shaking as he looks at his now fully dead mother. After minuets of logan looking at his mother's corpse he slowly gets to his feet walking back up though the stairs after piling chairs and tables Infront of the door and windows, then heading back up to the roof though the empty hallways and empty apartments. Once logan walks up though the final hallway he notices that the door to the roof is now open and the sound of two voices are heard up through the door. Logan sneaks through the door seeing a little girl and a middle-aged man kneeled overlooking like they are picking up the cans of food talking to themselves as logan sneaks up behind them before speaking out to the two. 

"Hello what are you to doing " asked logan sliding his pistol back into his holster and dropping the rifle that was over his shoulder down onto the ground. The two then turn around with a scared look on their face. "Are you the one that was shooting that gun up here" asked the man holding his hands up with the little gurl hugging to his side.

Yes, I was, there is a herd of dead people down there... I know that sounds crazy but you had to have at least seen them on the news or something there is no way u didn't get curious and look outside or see it on the news, they have to be showing this on the news, maybe that evacuation would've been worth it just to get away from here. Maybe then my parents would be alive. 

I've noticed the dead I was looking out my window when i saw them biting at other people even after being what looked like dead for minuets. So, we then hid down, and we started hearing what I guess was you shooting and thought that maybe those people are getting out of control or something and the police are handling it. But i do remember seeing the police... did you see where they went, I couldn't see them very well from my window. 

No. I haven't seen where they went i was busy trying to protect my mother and father, they were both down there trying to secure the door before one of the officers pulled them out probably trying to take them to the evacuation site. But instead, they were separated from the officer once my mother was pulled down and killed by those dead guys down there. Then they got my father, so I shot one of the cars down there to set off an alarm so I could lock the lobby door. But when I got down there i found my mom... she had come back alive somehow and she was bitten all over, chunks of her were gone and - 

Hey, I'm very sorry to interrupt but I don't think my daughter here should be hearing about that, I don't want her having nightmares. 

Trust me nightmares are all were going to have by the looks of it, unless military sweeps through to save this city i think its gonna become a war of Resorces of anyone still alive if I've learned anything about people you know. 

Well let's hope it don't come down to that says the man taking his hat off his slicked back medium length hair setting beside his black loafers he is wearing with tan khakis and a white button up shirt, and his neatly kept bushy beard. "I'd guess you wanna know our names sir... My name is Rory, this here is my daughter, her name is Mary. Today was her birthday."

My- My name is Logan, no need to call me sir, I'm not even 25, I'm barely 22 chuckled logan with i smile as he turns around closing the large door up to the roof then sitting down leaning onto the door. "So Mary how old are you, now that it's your birthday?" 

Mary looked up at her father with a frightened look having never seen logan before. Rory looks back down at Mary with a smile, "don't worry Mary no need to be scared of him.

"But he was shooting those people dad! It doesn't look like its shaken him one bit at all, how do we know if he won't shoot us?

Well Mary if he wanted to shoot us, he would've done it when he first got up here, besides the world isn't that cruel, people won't just go shooting little girls for no reason, he nly shot those "people" down there because he was trying to protect his parents. 

Fine... Well then. Logan, I'm turning 10 today. 

Well I'm sorry this all had to go down on your birthday, i think i know something that could make you feel a little better though. said logan with a smile on his face as he then gets up to his feet opening up the door and walking down the hallway once again. 

GENARATION DEAD VOL-1 ( break of the dead )Where stories live. Discover now