Chapter 17 Bandages

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Logan over here weve got some open coots yelled one of the new survivors.

Come on Marcus come on you've got this said logan running down the hall with Marcus in his arms and the doctor on his tail.

As logan and the new doctor get into the room and set Marcus and the other 2 injured new people down on their coots carry Rory Mary john Connor Michal cory and Jenna all come in with supplies to help with Marcus

Is he ok logan asked Mary setting down the supplies and hesitantly walking to Marcus's side

No, he isn't Mary he did something wrong today, so he got his punishment said john walking forward to Mary.

Did he hurt those new people is that why they are hurt too? Asked Mary looking up at john.

As john looks at Rory to see if he should say Jenna notices one of the other shot newcomers starts to grown and sit up

Oh shit... I think he's dead said Jenna stepping back drawing her knife.

Oh, you think so said carry pushing Jenna out of the way.

Cary hold on we don't know if he's turned or not said logan walking over to the growning man waving his hand from side to side to see if he tries to bite at it, as logan moves his hand left and right just as carry thought the now dead man tried to bite at him.

I'll do it ill kill him said the doctor pushing through close the girls' eyes she doesn't need to see this said the doctor to Rory.

When the doctor stabs him, the room went quiet as they return their focus to Marcus and the doctor and Michal and Jenna haul out the body.

3 weeks later

Hey Marcus, you almost ready to get back to your one job now i bet your exited to only have one responsibility from now on unless of course you ask for another job said Rory checking up on Marcus.

Yea I think I'm ready it's a good thing i can still write with my right hand joked Marcus.

Well, a Suprise for you we arnt gonna have working that job anymore logan decided to put you on guard duty so now you will be working in the armory keeping track of who takes guns and other things and when and where and why they take them out of the armory said Rory half smiling at Marcus.

Well I guess that can be a bit useful since weve had a number of them being taken away to who knows where for who knows what kind of purpose's said Marcus getting out of the coot.

Hey, you awake up there said john.

Yea... yea I'm awake just still a bit in pain considering i got a bullet stuck in me for a week said the other man in the cot above Marcus.

Ok you remember your job right whatever your name was said Rory leaning on the closed door.

Yea I do I gotta work on the experiments with the green room when I get healed if there is even any left by the time I can even walk around for a couple hours without needing an inhaler or something like that and my name is Boris or my old friends from the military called me razor they always said I was a god with my knife and I always kept it razor sharp by the end of my service I had 39 kills with my knife alone mot to mention my marksmen skills boasted Boris getting up to get his rations for the morning

Damn I don't remember asking for your life story said Rory opening the door leaving back to the roof.

Sorry Rory is very like... well I don't know how to describe it, but he is random ... but a good random and he is useful that's why he is one of the main members the council or whatever logan calls his little party thing said Marcus eating his canned food for the morning.

I don't mind were all going through times that can only get worse so we should count our time we should live while we still can who knows when our timer will end... Marcus we could die whenever said Boris.

I guess that's true but come on let's eat and get ready to what work we can do said Marcus. 

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