Chapter 8 New Friends

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4 days later after searching the top floor and the 2nd to top floor out of 5 the group finds 5 more people while scavenging and plenty of food and supplies enough to last for a while, one of the most important things that was found was a raido station table that the group set in a room up on the top floor but none of the survivors know how to operate the radio but one was a carpenter by the name of marcus with a blad head and a slim body with blue jeans and a red soccer team shirt, another survivor found was a gunsmith by the name of Michel who wears jeans and a camo shirt with a small beard and a dad hat with nothing on it , the other survivors were all less important jobs one being banker named john  the last one being a small teen boy named Connor that haddnt made it out of high school before the outbreak. After the 4 days of scavenging the group is running out of space on the roof, marcus got a job to make a door to put in the stairs so no bitters could get up but then on the forth day the radio starts making sounds like someone is on the other end trying to reach out.

Zzzz zzzzz zzz help we have a group of survivors held out in the ikea down town on old street anyone hearing this messege we are going to be in the bathroom and we will make this report agian in an hours time zzzz zzzzz zzz

Logan come here yelled Connor

Yea whats the problem?

We just had a radio messege from a group of survivors from ikea on old street we need to go and save them said connor

Do we have a group of people ready ?asked logan

Well rory is clear of jobs today and ill go mabye john and michal can go to if they would want and we can spare the ammo we have enough for the trip there and back said connor

Well you make a point but how many do they have?

They didnt say but they leave the radio and they are held out in the bathroom so we need to go before they get over run so lets get a group together said connor

Fine well go and count me in and rory ill talk if he wants to go said logan

Ok ill see you in a bit then bye logan said connor

Yea make sure to geta knife with you to and some rations so that you have something to eat just encase we get stuck somewhere said logan

Yep ill go get john and michal and well get the guns and knifes said connor

20 minutes later

Hey logan come down here were almost ready connors getting michals gun and knife so were pretty much ready to go you just gotta set carry up in the rooftop and we can start going said john

Ok sounds good but rory isnt gonna go he wants to help set up another storage on top floor said logan

Ok yea we need another the roof is getting very crowded so we might also want to get to work tomorrow on an extra living quarters for guys then another for girls said john

Yea that sounds like a plan ill get a team together tomorrow to work on it but for now lets focus on the oporation said logan

Ok ill go cheak on connor and michal said john

Ok ill go down to the back exit i think its clearer over there ill have carry cheak real quick talk in a few minutes said logan

Ok see you down stairs said john

Hey logan said rory

Hey rory i got a order that i think we should consider he had 3 ideas for new things to build the first 2 were a boys and girls sleeping quaters and i think thats a good idea and the 3rd was an extra storage space i think that is the first thing we need then the others we can do after that said logan

Ok ill get on the job then ill see if marcus can help me with it when do you want it to get started ? Asked rory

By tommorow is what i thought would work but do it whenever your ready were heading out for a survivor call like i told you earilier said logan

Ok then ill see you later then make sure to stay safe and remeber ikea is a big market with alot of supplies so there might be alot of bitters there from the first few days said rory

Yea im aware ill make sure not to let anyone get bit said Logan

Ok whos all going?

Well so far only me michal john and connor so we should be fine but make sure carry is ready to watch over us with a radio just incase of hoards said Logan

Ok then ill see you tomorrow hopefully try not to stay to long you know mary gets worried when your gone for to long said rory

Dont worry ill be back as sone as i can but we might have to stay there a night so we brought food just incase said logan

Ok see you later then said rory

Hey Logan you ready ! Yelled connor

Yea im coming said logan

See you tommorow rory

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