In this vicious and mischievous world we live in today, the word LOVE YOURSELF appears suffocating to people today. Most people have suicidal thought all because of maybe their past, losing a loved one, Financial crisis, sad childhood and so many other problems.
As a young person the question is, have you ever been bullied before? If yes then keep reading. Bullies as you'll know are amateurs who take delight in tormenting children or adults but mostly children. They like to show off and they enjoy when their peers are afraid of them they also love been respected by their peers.
Children all around the world suffer from bullying every day and most of the reason people are bullied, may be because of their size, height, religious background, skin color, ethnicity, how they eat, how they talk, how they walk, how their parent behave and so on. Young ones go through bulling in different ways it could be through social media, it could be physical, verbal, spreading false rumors, threats, it could be the use of body gestures eg. When bullies, mostly females cover their noses sighing that, he or shes stinking or has a bad breathe this can make the other party, feel insecure and depressed later resulting into low self esteem. Places you enjoyed going, will feel less important because you dont want to accidentally bump into one of them. Even when you are at home it feels like your tummy is tied in knot you feel alone you begin to have sleepless night and even eating disorder.
If you are suffering from bulling this is not the end of the world you can still make a difference yes bulling can make you have insecurities but the question is, are you going to remain like this forever there are ways in which we can avoid been bullied without been physical on them.
Avoid wearing expensive things to school: bullies derive pleasure in takings what is not theirs by force knocking you down to the ground and then make fun of you. Wearing expensive stuff will only attract them to you so, the best thing is to keep it low. If you are a freaking rich kid who is always bullied avoid showing off in school.
Act confident: one of the best way to avoid being bullied is by being confident you might begin to feel nervous if you sense them approaching you but the best options is to wear a confidence mask immediately ones they see that confidence in you, it stings their pride they will no longer be all that gutty to you again they will have no option than to turn away. Dont walk alone: walking alone makes you more vulnerable to bulling so the best thing is, dont walk to school alone ask a friend to tag along with you and not to forget keep a confident face dont bow your head low keep it high with a natural smile.
Act funny: keeping a clown face isnt all that bad it actually one of the best ways of avoiding being bullied. Creating humor for them will only leave them either confused or make them laugh and ones that happens, its best you run.
Avoid places where bully might happen: in the Christian holy book which is called the Bible, there recorded in the book of proverbs 22:3 the wise sees danger and conceals his or herself but the inexperienced acts indecisive. Avoiding places we know bully might happen is the best decision to make, in order not to fall into their trap.
Tell a trusted adult: children nowadays prefer keeping everything to themselves which is not healthy psychologically because it affect them in many ways most especially emotionally and the way in which they socialize with people. Lifting the weight off your shoulder by telling an adult will ease your mind and heart.
Bulling brings about lot of damages on the victim it destroys their normal happy life and replaces it with depression, insecurities, low-self esteem, and if victims doesnt speak up on time, it may lead to PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). Bully victims should see the positivitys inside them and not the negativities bullies say about them because, you are not what they say you are and never feel worthless about yourself if you are plump or thin never feel ashamed of your size embrace it because you were born that way that how your creator wants you to look like and even if you are as tall like 10 feet or as short as 5 feet Love Yourself know that in every imperfection there is a perfection.
Hating yourself will only lead to self destruction which could be bringing about suicidal thought, intentionally causing hazard on yourself.
PTSD which is post traumatic stress disorder is a mental health condition that is caused by traumatic experience. People who suffer from PTSD tend to have sad flashback, anger problem, emotional, sleepless night, nightmares, easily frightened, easily tired, sometimes somethings remind them of their past. Things they dont want to remember.
More than 1.5 million people in Nigeria suffer from PTSD. Post traumatic stress disorder is triggered by trauma that a person has experienced it could be violence abuse, sad childhood, bulling, hefty threats, rape. Etc.
Sexual assault is one of the main causes of PTSD in fact majority of people in Nigeria who suffer from PTSD all started from the traumatic experience of rape.
Love yourself
SpiritualThe word LOVE YOURSELF may sound simple to abide by, but majority, find it difficult to oblige to the rules governing aspects on how to Love yourself. Loving yourself has been diminished as a result of negative life events that may have happened in...