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yesterday. that was a great day. 

I wake up to see everyone everyone still asleep. finally, I woke up before them! I check the clock: 5:01am. wow. we should be all waking up by now. our call time is 5:30am, so most of us need to be getting productive and awake. 

I walk to the kitchen drowsily and make myself a quick coffee to get me spruced up. as I turn around to go back to my room, I see hyunjin in the doorway.

"someone's up early." he smiles. 

"well, here I am." I reply with a smile. 

I walk over to him and check if anyone is else behind or near him but it was just us. I turned back to him and leaned my face into his chest. even though I woke up early on my own, i was still tired for no exact reason. he put his arms around me and hugged me till I got up. I feel comforted in his arms; it's not like this with anyone else... strange...

I hear the floor creak and I instantly pull off of hyunjin. I look to see who it is and it's jeongin. he stands there, staring at us. creepy. he moves his head down then gives an evil grin. I look to hyunjin, who was beside me, and then nod my head over to the table, indicating for us to go sit there. jeongin just follows us and then goes to make himself some sandwiches and a cup of coffee. 

soon after, everyone was starting to wake up and the kitchen was getting more and more crowded by the minute. I start to get bored so I go to the living room and turn on the TV. I don't manage to find any good channels, which is disappointing, but I do instead check my phone to find that the fanpage hyunjin told me about has posted a whole entire YouTube video of 'hyunlix' tiktoks. I click on the video and call hyunjin over so we can watch it together. some parts of the video weren't that intense but a few of the tiktoks included really got me thinking if something could be going on between us that none of us even realise... do the others know about these videos? are they suspecting something between us that we ourselves don't even know if it is true? I guess I'll just have to wait and find out for myself... 

as we get further and further into the video, I start to notice some patterns to what they are showing and to what me and hyunjin do in real life. we glance at each other WAY too much, we act together as if we were a "couple" and we get "jealous" if one of us is interacting with another member. I begin to question our relationship further. maybe something will happen? just maybe...



we have just wrapped up our newest photo shoot and it will on!y be available after the new album is released. only 5 days till release. earlier today, yongbok showed me a video that was a tiktok compilation of me and him. our "ship name" is "hyunlix" which I find kind of cute. the video showcased the moments people thought were couple-like, if that's how you could describe it, and some of these actually made me question if there was something going on between us that we didn't even realise. 

right now, we're all in the car heading back home. we're blasting some music and vibing. some of the songs are new ones I haven't heard but most are familiar. like right now, "why not?" by LOONA is playing and I absolutely love that's song. it's a good song, not gonna lie. beside me, yongbok has glues his eyes to his phone and his head to me shoulder. even when I try to move, he moves with me. it's like he's put super glue on my shoulder and put his head on it. some of the others noticed this but didn't dare question it. they probably thought it was something we did.

the ride home was long and silent other than the music playing. I was the one to break the silence.

"hey guys wanna go out somewhere for dinner or something?" I ask, petting felix's hair. he noticed this and smiles. 

"uh how about mcdonalds'?" bang chan suggests.

"sure" we all agree on this restaurant and turn the car over to the direction of mcdonald's. this would not take as long as the ride home but it was still quite far from where we currently were. 

felix looked up at me, then back down at his phone. for once he did not have his eyes glued to the phone. but then he went back to it. he abruptly shut off his phone and put it away. confused by this, I look down at him and see his eyes shut and feel his arms clinging around me. was this man really trying to fall asleep on me? I don't mind. I put my head on top of his and hug him back, wrapping one arm around him while the other was petting the bits of his hair that were just about touchable from under and beside my head. 

"do you not want a pillow for my shoulder?" I whisper in his ear.

"mm, no, I'm good" he replies hugging me tighter.

seungmin looks over to us as he was in the seat beside Felix, on the other side of him. he smirks at me and I give him a "dont-you-dare-think-of-anything" look which he immediately understood and looked away. Felix let go of me and rest his head on my lap, where I was stroking his hair non-stop. I saw him smile as I did this and then he must've fallen asleep as he didn't react to any of my movements anymore. whenever someone was being loud, I immediately silenced them and pointed to felix, who was always peacefully sleeping. 

after we ate, felix told me why he shut his phone off so suddenly and abruptly. it was because of this man named "Oli London" oh god his name already makes me want to puke. basically, he got plastic surgery to look more korean and he is now obsessed with asia and all the popular countries like china, philippines, malaysia, thailand and korea. he is OBSESSED and I mean OBSESSED with park jimin from BTS and even got 'married' to a cardboard cutout of him. this man is something else...

we laughed at how he says words in korean instead of saying "saranghae" (사랑해) he says "sarangHEY" and he says "oppa" (오빠) as "opPAR" and we just couldn't stop laughing at him! this person is a different species. they are not human!!!!

the others notice us being all smiley and they ask about it. we just explain everything to them gladly and we all start to laugh. fun times.


i fall asleep on hyunjin again and he doesn't seem to mind it. the car ride back home was longer than the way to get to the venue, at least that's what it felt like. when I woke up, I found myself being carried over to my bed. I turn over to see hyunjin's face, determined to get me to bed. 

he places me gently down on my bed and kisses my forehead. whaaaat? I just smile and he says "goodnight" and I reply with "goodnight" and he gets startled. 

"were you awake when I- you know-"

"yes... by the way, I don't mind it..."

"oh" he says as he leaves. even though he's only been gone for two seconds, I miss him a lot... what are these weird, unexplainable feelings I get around him?

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