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"heyy, did you and hyunjin have fun yesterday?" chan asks, overly curious and slightly suspicious. he moves over to the seat next to mine at the dining table. we were the only two still in the kitchen.

"promise you won't tell anyone after i tell you this, okay?" i firmly ask him, he replies with a truthful nod, "well, we sort of, um... mwah-ed... i don't want to say the real word cause it's kinda embarrassing to me..."

as i said those words, chan froze. utterly nonplussed, he sat in front of me as still as a statue, mouth hanging wide open. he barely knew how to react; all he could do was open his mouth wide.

"uh... chan? you good?" i ask, waving my hand in his face.

"excuse me... you did WHAT?!" he replies. i sit there in silence for the rest of our conversation until hyunjin comes in and interrupts our very awkward moment. at least it's over. chan was embarrassing me so much! i smile at hyunjin and beckon him over. he obeys and sits on the other side of me. i give chan the look that screams 'act natural or i will whoop your ass' and he pretends nothing happened.

"i know you told him about yesterday, felix... you don't need to hide it. just chan, don't you dare tell anyone or we'll both smack you - hard." hyunjin affirmed. he makes me go all gooey just by looking at me. my gosh, this really is a crush - how could i not have noticed it earlier? he stands up and grabs me by the arm. i mouth 'bye' to chan and he mouths 'bye! you two should really kiss'. i furrow my eyebrows at him and turn back to hyunjin, who was dragging me by the arm into his room. being the only ones in the room, we don't have to deal with people eavesdropping or questioning us silently. he was sitting so eloquently that i wanted to just say 'fine sir' but i restrained myself from.

"why did you pull me in here?" i question.

"i wanted to say something... something nobody else but you can know..." he replies, staring straight into my eyes and deep down into my soul. my breath hitched and i suddenly started sweating lightly. i was actually nervous about what he was going to tell me...

"w-what is it?" i stutter. he just looks at me. he moves himself closer and does the exact same thing he did yesterday - kiss me. this time, it was better than before. we kissed for so long and so well that i forgot that i was even on earth. it felt so heavenly and sublime that i forgot where i was. my heart was beating rapidly, i was sweating so much. this euphoric feeling i got inside of me was never before experienced - not even when we kissed for the first time yesterday. i slowly started climbing on top of hyunjin, i was so caught up in the moment i didn't even realise i was gradually making the scene more and more heated. i realised what i was doing soon after, then stopped doing everything.

"wait- what are we even doing?! we've only been 'together' (if that's what you want to call it) for one day and we're already trying to get spicy? no- wait- i need time before spice." i said 'calmly', i was panic-talking and talking hastily. hyunjin managed to successfully calm me down and hug me. i felt stressed? i had no clue why...

"shh, you're fine. it's okay, i can wait. we don't need to rush into anything if you're not okay with it. i'm here..." he lulls tenderly. i immediately calm down at his soft, gentle voice and hug him back tighter. i pull away and stare at him, then go back in for another hug. i wanted to be close to him at this very moment.

"stay close to me... please..." i whisper, on the verge of tears for no reason.

"always." he replies gently. i lay down on his bed and fall asleep again, even though i had my full hours of sleep. maybe naps are good for me? i feel a gentle pair of hands pat my head and tuck me in. his touch was soothing.


"for your love, i'll do whatever you want"


(a/n: go listen to for you love by måneskin, it's an AMAZING song: https://open.spotify.com/track/3ZeyEvTgSlKajHc0fckgZT?si=b69d27a7ef704714)


i wake up all alone. nobody in the room. did i really sleep for that long? i notice a little note laying neatly on the bedside table. it read "to felix <3, from hyunjin and the others" i opened it and it said

"dear felix,
we have left to go to the park. if you want to join us, feel free to. we're at the park we went to when we first... you know...
love, hyunjin <3

obviously i'm going, i thought. so i stayed true to my words and got ready and left to the park. as soon as i got there, i spotted them from the unmissable, distinct look of all their faces; especially hyunjin's. i smiled when i saw them and ran up to them. they were sitting on a bench, all crammed together. bang chan offered to stand up and give his place for me but i politely declined. instead, once i started declining chan, hyunjin shot up from his seat and nudged his head over to it, so i could sit down. again, i turned down the offer and i suggested we move to different benches, so there's more space for all of us to sit down somewhere. they all nodded their heads in agreement and moved to different benches. as usual, me and hyunjin were on the same bench, on our own. suddenly "ding!" a message from my manager telling me i have to return to the studio to go record a song? with nayeon from twice?! this should be good...

"i'm sorry, i have to go back!" i try to explain to hyunjin, "i'll be back in around an hour, you'll be fine without me for a little while!"

"no! i want to go with you and stay with you!" he grabs my waist and hugs me. he acted all baby-ish and very clingy. i pat him on the head and told the others i'm leaving for an 'emergency appointment' and for them to take care of hyunjin while i'm gone. i'm so excited to record with the im nayeon!

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