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why was i having naughty dreams about my best friend?


i get up and go to shower, this time i remember my clothes and make sure i tie my towel tight on me if i need something from outside. i grab my pink hairband and put it on. i smirk at felix and say "hey yongbok, tch hairband."

when i called him by his korean name, he looked stunned.

"no one calls me that except you... that makes me feel special" felix mumbles. all i can think of now is feel special by twice. YOU MAKE ME FEEL SPECIAL!!!!!!! DAMMIT FELIX YOU MADE ME SING AGAIN.

"i'm glad i make you feel special!" i sing the last two words and felix knows what i mean. we start laughing together and end up waking up all the others in the room. we apologise and hear a knock at the door. i go to open it and see jisung there.

"hey, what's up?" i ask coolly. 

"have you seen felix anywhere? he hasn't been in his room lately a- WHY IS HE ALWAYS IN THIS ROOM WHEN I'M LOOKING FOR HIM?! IS THERE SOMETHING I'M MISSING OUT ON?! EXPLAIN!" 

me and felix giggle and explain that we are just best friends and we like to be near each other like all best friends do. but jisung replies with "yEaH bUt YoU tWo AlReAdY sEe EaChOtHeR aLl DaY, eVeRy DaY" and i just stare at him with a 'really?' expression and flick him in the forehead. he yelps in pain and leaves us alone. finally, peace and qui- never mind, there's still my roommates. at least no more chaos-sung. i go back over to felix and hug him gently. i feel a soft pain in my chest when he leaves me to go shower. i know he's in the room right beside me with literally only a door barricading me from entering, but i just can't help but miss him. i'm never this clingy to anyone. i guess it must be true lov- ew no eww. 

i lay down on the bed, contemplating what i should do next. i eventually fall asleep and have the craziest dream. it was literally about me and felix about to have- um- the deed and we were being watched and recorded by changbin. the hell? why does this sound exactly like felix's dream that he had last night? could it be true lo- and there i go again. no, it's not love. it may just be a coincidence as he told me about it not long ago and it was still fresh in my mind. to make sure this was the same vision in the same dream, i asked felix to draw out what the scene looked like from a first-person view from himself. i also drew it from his perspective as i did get a few snippets of his pov. not to my surprise, the pictures were exactly the same.

"i guess we did really have the same dream.." he says "i bet it's just a coincidence..."

"yeah, me too"

i leave to go to the kitchen for breakfast and i sit there waiting for the others to join. felix comes in shortly after me and begins making his signature smoothie. i, on the other hand, make a few nutella sandwiches. i offer one to felix but he politely declines and says he's on a strict diet given to him by the managers. i personally don't think felix should have gotten this diet, he's perfect in every way, but i'm not a manager so i don't decide anything. i might file a complaint towards the managers for this but it doesn't really matter. as long as felix is happy and healthy...


as he was making his smoothie, felix faints backwards. before his head could hit the ground, i caught him and carried him over to his own bed bridal style. i called out for help but nobody answered. everyone was either asleep or busy recording. i pull out the emergency first-aid kit and do a quick check-up on felix. oh, lixie, please be okay! i can't live without you! i call an ambulance as felix was not waking up, even after shaking him thoroughly. the ambulance arrives and i ask if i can go with felix to the hospital. they agree and i sit on the seat beside felix's stretcher.  my leg starts twitching out of anxiety. i'm scared for him. i don't want to lose him...

i grab felix's pale hand and hold it tight. his skin was as white as snow. i began to cry silently. before i knew it, we were already in the hospital. i had to let go of his hand to let them carry him into the hospital. this is all the stupid fucking mangers' fault for putting him on an unnecessary diet. i need to calm down.

"when will i be able to see him, i really care about him and don't want to lose him. please, do everything you can in your power to save him. please, i can't live without him." i break down into tears in front of the nurse and she gets me tissues to freshen myself up with.

"i'm not sure. i'm assuming you will be able to see him in around half an hour to forty minutes." the nurse replies with a strained smile. i bow my head in sadness. live felix, you have so much to live for: your career, your friends, family, fans, and me. 


i wake up in a hospital with beeping machines, doctors and nurses surrounding me. i look to my left and see hyunjin. his eyes were all red and puffy, had he been crying? over me? he's holding my hand and rubbing the back of it with his thumb. i smile at him and he hugs me tight. this hug was the sweetest and most caring hug i've ever received in my life. not even my own mother ever hugged me like this. it's like he cared about me more than he cared about anything else: even his own life. i'm grateful for people like hyunjin. they'll give up their own life to save yours. i'm grateful for hyunjin because he just saved my life. he brought me to the hospital, he cried, he suffered, he endured through this. nobody else bothered to wake up to help me. 

hyunjin is the best friend i could ever ask for.

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