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hyunjin is the best friend i could ever ask for.


i was still in the hospital with felix when the nurse tried to escort me out as visiting hours were over. i said my goodbyes to felix and kissed his forehead. the nurse told me that felix would have to stay in the hospital for around 2-3 days to monitor him. i would be allowed to visit every day from 5am-8pm. 

as soon as i left the hospital, i texted felix and told him that when i leave at 8 every day, we would just call and text each other. he wanted me to stay with him for every night but i was not sure if i was allowed.

"mrs. sooyin, is my-" felix paused for a moment, not sure what to call me. "-best friend allowed to sleep over here. i need him and i can't be without him. please." 

"i'll have to ask the doctor but don't get your hopes up too high." the nurse replied. her name was sooyin but felix called her mrs. sooyin most of the time. she left and felix was now all alone in his room. i saw the empty room virtually and he looked a bit lonely.

"lixie, don't feel lonely, you've got me right in front of your face." i comfort him but he just hangs his head down and says "but not in real life, this is only virtual, hyunjin. i wanna see you in person! hopefully mrs. sooyin lets you stay!"

i heard the sound of a creaking door and i saw felix point his phone camera at mrs. sooyin and she said, "i spoke to the doctor and he said your friend is allowed to stay. i hope you're hap-" she was cut off by felix running over to hug her. she squealed in surprise and i laughed in the background. i quickly hung up and i run straight to the hospital. i didn't even say goodbye; there wasn't even a point to as i was going to see him in less than 5mins anyways. 

as i entered his room, he ran straight up to me and squeezed me as tight as he possibly could. he squealed in happiness and i did too. he grabbed me by the hand and dragged me to his bed. he jumped on it, causing me to jump too, and we started chatting loudly on the bed. we were so loud that mrs. sooyin and the doctor, whose name i think was dr. kkamiji, had to tell us to quiet down. even though we had only been apart for not even 10mins, we already missed each other dearly. this is what true friendship is like.


ever since that day, hyunjin has been sleeping over in the hospital until i get sent out - today. i'm leaving the hospital today and i am fully recovered and stable. when i stood up, hyunjin came straight to my side to help me in case i was still weak. he put my arm around his shoulder and i put my arms around his neck for support. i thought he was going to walk me, but no he carried me out of that building and back home as if i couldn't walk.

"jinnie! put me down! put me down! i can walk! my legs didn't get amputated, chill!" i kicked around in his arms until i got used to it. i stared into his eyes. they were still shining. his eyes are like tapioca pearls (and i love tapioca pearls), shiny, round and dark. he stared back at me and put me on my own bed. we are already here? i guess i must not have noticed that we were back home. i immediately snuggled up into hyunjin's chest and fell asleep. he was petting my hair, which made me feel sleepier always. i felt something rise to the front of my heart. a weird feeling. what could it be?

i wake up a few hours later to find hyunjin gone. i begin to worry for no reason and i get uncomfortable. i twiddle my thumbs and move around in my bed. i should probably go look for him instead of just sitting here like an idiot. i stand up and wobble. my legs were still a bit weak but i managed to walk all the way to hyunjin's room to find that he was not there. i see a note on his bed. great, more notes.

"hey lixie,
i've gone to the shops with chan, jisung and seungmin. be safe
and don't over-do anything to not make you faint. again.
lots of love,
jinnie <3" 

wow. he left to the shops. i need to calm down a little. i sit on his bed and stare at the ceiling. i grab the star projector hyunjin owns and switch it on. the stars illuminate the room a warm purple colour and i become mesmerised by the beautiful array of stars. the beauty reminds me of hyunjin. maybe because the projector is his? maybe because hyunjin likes space? maybe because hyunjin is beautiful? maybe because i like him?...

yes, i indeed like the hwang hyunjin. i don't know where this came out of but it's here and it's not going away any time soon. i don't want to ruin our friendship if he doesn't feel the same way. i just want him to be in my life forever. i'm getting jealous lately as he's always hanging out with seungmin and i'm starting to get suspicious. they say they're just doing it all for the fans, but i don't get which fans would ship them two out of the blue. like, hello? me and hyunjin are clearly the closest and clearly are meant to be together. but it's my opinion and everyone's opinion is valid, so it counts. the door to the room opens and i see jinnie standing in the doorway with a bright smile.

"heyy! i got you- well us- something! couple's earrings! try them on, lixie. c'mon yongbokkie, i bought them just for me and you!" he encourages me and i give in to him. i put on the earrings and instantly fall in love with them. seungmin comes in the next second and whispers something to hyunjin, then leaves with a smirk on his face. 

"what was that about?" i say sternly. my voice growing deeper from the seriousness.

"oh, uh, th-that's nothing you should w-worry about, l-l-lixie." he stutters, oh i love seeing him be afraid of my super-deep voice. it's fun watching him squirm. ok i think i might be insane-

"it's not nothing i should worry about, hyunjin. this is something i need to know about. you and seungmin have been growing really close lately and i'm starting to suspect something between you two. is there something you want to tell me, hyunjin? or are you just going to leave me in the dark like all the others do." i tear up at the last sentence. 

"i can't tell you or it'll ruin the surprise. sorry, lixie. i love you but i can't tell you..." WAIT- did he just say "i love you" to me? omfg this is not happening right now. i'm stunned. okay chillax felix. breathe. breathe. 

he said he loves me...

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