Chapter Four

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'We better go before she passes out again.' Drew says, half joking. 'And so we can go and get some lunch.'

'I'll text Amy tomorrow morning about dinner plans.' Grace tells him. 'Are you sure you're okay about coming back tomorrow?' She looks at Amy.

'Yeah.' Amy nods as she stands up.

'It was a pleasure meeting you, Amy.' Grace smiles at the young girl. 'You too, Drew.' She nods at Drew.

'It was nice meeting you, too.' Amy smiles back. Amy and Drew leave. Once they're out of the room, Grace sits back down and puts her head in her hands. 


An hour and a half later, the 118 are returning. Grace walks out and meets them. Once Judd spots Grace, he walks over to her. 

'Are they still here?' He asks her.

'No.' Grace shakes her head. 'They had to leave. Amy passed out.' 

'Is she okay?' Judd questions, concerned. 

'She's fine.' Grace nods. 'She said she has a few chronic illnesses so it's normal for her.' 

'I want to tell everyone about Amy.' Judd tells Grace. 'T.K. was asking who she was earlier. He apparently treated her the other day.'

'It's your call, Judd, whatever you want to do is fine by me.' Grace replies. 

'Are you okay with all this? Me having another daughter?' Judd questions. 'Finding out I have another daughter is a big deal for me. But you're my wife. It's an even bigger deal for you.' 

'Judd, what you did before we met is none of my business.' Grace shakes her head. 'You didn't even know Amy existed. I'm not gonna blame you for any of that. Yes, I'm okay with it. I just need to process it.' 

'Okay.' Judd nods understandably. 

'Would you like me to tell everyone with you?' Grace offers. 

'Would you?' Judd asks. 

'Of course.' Grace nods. 'You're my husband. We go through these things together.' 

'Thank you.' Judd smiles slightly. They both walk up to the kitchen area where everyone is getting ready to eat lunch. 

'Hey, Grace, you joining us?' Owen smiles when he spots the two.

'Sure.' Grace nods.

'There's one thing we want to talk to you guys about first.' Judd says. 

'Oh my god! Are you guys having another baby?' Nancy asks excitedly. 

'Not quite.' Judd shakes his head. He takes a deep breath. 'Today, I found out I have a sixteen-year-old daughter.' Everyone is silent. 'Erm - her name is Amiah - Amy and she's from San Antonio. I dated her mom for quite a while but she up and left suddenly. Amy told me her mom left me when she found out she was pregnant because she didn't know what to do.'

'We treated a girl called Amy the other day. Is it her?' Tommy asks. 

'Yeah. I was the one that went and got Judd when she got here.' T.K. nods.

'What happened?' Judd questions. 

'She passed out but refused treatment and left. When we were packing up and getting ready to leave we got another call. It was Amy again, she had a few seizures.' Tommy explains. 

'When I saw her this morning, she said she was doing much better.' T.K. adds. 

'Are you going to see her again?' Owen asks. 

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