Chapter Five

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It's the next morning. Amy wakes up feeling much better, although she still feels quite weak. 

'Good morning.' She hears Drew say. She sits up and looks at the other bed. 

'Morning.' Amy replies through a yawn. 

'How are you feeling today?' Drew asks. 

'Better,' Amy nods, 'still feel a bit weak though.' 

'Good.' Drew smiles and nods. 'I found a diner a couple of blocks away. We could go there for breakfast?' He suggests.

'Sure.' Amy nods. 

'Take your time getting ready. We're in no rush.' Drew tells her. 'Coffee?' 

'Please.' Amy smiles slightly. 'I'll check my blood sugars.' Drew stands up and walks over to the coffee machine whilst Amy gets out of bed, walks over to her bag and takes out her blood glucose monitor. she checks her blood sugars whilst Drew makes the coffee. When Drew hears the beep of the monitor, he looks at Amy. 'They're normal.' She shows him the reading and he nods. 

'What do you want to do today?' Drew questions. 'Do you want to spend the day here or go back to San Antonio after breakfast?' 

'Erm- stay here for the day?' Amy responds. 'I want to get to know Austin if I'm going to be spending more time here.' 

'What do you mean?' Drew asks, confused.

'Well, if this test confirms that I am Judd's daughter, and he wants to get to know me, I'll be spending a lot of time here.' Amy says. 'And- um - I might look into some housing schemes and move here.' 

'That's-,' Drew starts, 'that's moving a bit fast.'

'I know.' Amy swallows and nods. 'But the journey here and back is exhausting and I don't think I'll be able to handle that.' She shakes her head. Drew walks over to her with two mugs and hands her one. 'Thanks.' She takes a sip of the coffee. 'I've always wanted to know my dad. For my dad to know me. Now that I have that chance to, I don't know, I guess my brain is trying to tell me if I don't move fast, I could lose all that.' 

'Amy,' Drew puts his hand on her shoulder, 'it's okay to want that. How fast you move is completely up to you.' He adds. 'Whatever you want to do, we'll be right behind you.' 

'Thanks.' Amy replies quietly. 

'As I've always said, if you're happy and healthy, I'm happy.' Drew says. Amy smiles slightly.

'Can we do that test now? I want to get it out of the way.' 

'Of course.' Drew nods. Amy gets the test kit out of her bag and they start doing the test. Fifteen minutes later, the test is done and sealed. 'The test centre is in Texas, so hopefully, it won't take that long to get the results.' Amy takes a deep breath. 'You all right?' 

'Yeah.' Amy sighs and nods. 'This is just becoming even more real.' She continues. 'I just wish that I could speak to my mom about this.' 

'We can try and track her down?' Drew suggests.

'No.' Amy shakes her head. 'She wants to get better. I don't want to disturb that. I know she's my mom and that she'll always be there for me but I really want her to get better. That won't happen if I'm running to her all the time.' 

'Amy-' Drew starts. 

'Can we leave it at that, please?' Amy cuts him off. 

'Of course.' Drew nods. 'Let's get ready.' 


Half an hour later, they are both ready for the day. Drew checked them out of the hotel and packed their belongings into the car alongside Amy's wheelchair. Since she's feeling stronger she opts to just use the walking stick. They're sitting in a booth in the diner eating breakfast. 

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