The Alphas Little Girl Chapter 5 {Edited}

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The Alphas Little Girl

Chapter 5


Orion's Pov

Me and Liz entered my dads office with Phillip trailing behind and Hailey already sitting on the couch with a smug look on her face. Ugh Sisters.. "Daddy!!" Lizzy squealed in my ear as she wiggled out of my arms and ran to my Dad. "Hi baby girl!" He smiled as he picked her up, and she cuddled into his chest.

I remember when we all went through that stage of our inner wolves constantly wanting to be near our parents. My Father broke my train of thought when he cleared his throat. "Now I called you all in here to discuss about your special abilities that you will all be learning and developing soon." he explained. He looked over to me and I nodded for him to continue. 

 "The elders and I have spoken, and have figured out how we know what your special gifts will be." He picked up an old scroll to prove his therory. "So how will we know Dad?" Hailey asked while taking the scroll from him and studying it for herself.

"It will be by the color of your eyes, Hailey come here please." he gestured to her. She got up and walked over to his desk. "Now see Hailey's eyes are grey, which we have figured is air. We also so figured out why she runs faster then most wolves, and vampires is because she uses air to push herself to go faster." he explained. Hailey grinned then stuck her tongue out at me. I just rolled my eyes. For someone who was older then me she sure was immature.

 "Now Orion come here." he waved me over. I pushed off the wall I was leaning against and walked over to him. I notice Lizzy on his lap coloring something I think it was a dog, no maybe a cow, I don't know. "Orion's eyes are ringed with brown and the color fading to his iris is red with a tint of orange, that means he will be able to control fire" He smiled proudly. Ha beat that Hailey! I stuck my tongue out right back at her. Okay maybe I can immature too but hey it doesn't matter if I do it since I am younger then her. I went back and lent against the wall again and shot a smug look at her, now who has the awesome powers?!

"Phillip your turn my boy" Dad chuckled. Phillip got up and pouted. "I wanted to control fire." he whined. "Phillip your eyes are a deep blue you will control water." my Dad said completely ignoring his pouty face. "Ha beat that Orion I'll be able to kick your butt easy peasy!" He grinned. In his dreams.

"Now last but not least Elizabeth" Liz popped her little white head up and looked around then looked back at Dad, "What?" She asked. Dad just chuckled. "You little one have dark but bright emerald green eyes which means you can control earth." her eyes practically popped out of her head as she grinned "I can!!" She practically screamed. "Yes Elizabeth you can" he smiled. Liz giggled and went back to coloring her dog cow thing. 

"I have question dad" I asked. He nodded for me to continue. "If we were given these gifts what are we to use them for?" I inquired. "You see you are children of hope.





your initials spell hope. You were given these gifts by the Moon goddess because a horrible war is going to rage soon all the creatures known on this earth" he explained. "But why?" Hailey asked. "Vampires are killing witches, witches are killing werewolfs for our bones for there spells, rogue werewolfs are killing everything in sight the magical world is becoming unbalanced and you four will bring an end to it, and bring peace to everyone" he finished.

We all sat there dazed trying to digest the new information, that us. Two teens, one pre-teen, and a toddler are going to have to bring peace to every known mythical creature in the world... We are so screwed. 


Hey people :) thanks for the awesome comments they make me so happy to know you guys enjoy my story so far! :)

Now I bet none of you were expecting that huh ;)

Well please keep up with the supportive critisim and love all the votes like every two hours I get more votes I get all excited haha its actually really funny cause I start jumping around ya I know I'm weird but whatever :)

Comment and vote please and thank you!

(Next update will either be sunday or monday)


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