The Alphas Little Girl Chapter 19 {Edited}

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The Alphas Little Girl

Chapter 19


Elizabeth's Pov

Today was the day me my brothers and sister are going to the first vampire clan to persuade them to join our side in battle. To say I'm nervous is an understatement. I'm flipping out! What if there cruel vicious creatures! I don't want to die at a young age, that would be horrible!

Joel put out stuff in the back of the pickup truck we were taking. Phillip was driving with us, while Orion, Hailey, and dad drive in another truck. We had multiple trucks filled with our warriors and supplies. I sat nervously in the back seat practically chewing my nails off my fingers.

"Chill Lizzy, we'll be fine and if they cause any trouble Orion can just set them on fire" Phillip smirked. I groaned.

"Please tell me you know a little about vampires Joel?" I begged as I looked over at him with my best puppy dog face.

He just chuckled. "I do know a little bit, their night hunters, they don't burn up when they walk out into daylight, they aren't to fond of werewolves though" he laughed lightly. Probably since my face went as white as my hair. Not fond of wolves... We're so dead!

"~Babe chill I wont let any vampire hurt you~" Joel smiled and kissed my temple. I smiled. OK just relax Liz your gonna be fine.

"Now you two better not get to cozy back there, remember Joel I might be awesome and fun but when it comes to my sisters I'm a Jackass with a capital J" he winked over at Joel. I saw Joel gvie a nervous smile. I just giggled.

Orion's Pov

When we got everything into the truck and I kissed my mate goodbye, we headed off with Phillip right behind us.

"Which clan are we visiting first?" Hailey asked.

"Uh your not gonna like this, but the Shadow clan" I sighed.


Me and my dad winced as our sensitive hearing couldn't handle her loud screech so close. See when Hailey was younger before she met James, there was this guy who was a vampire but not any vampire the head vampire's son. Long story short he picked on Hailey and James kicked his ass.

"Hailey Bane! Lower your voice young lady!" dad yelled. That immediately shut her up.

"You are coming with us and that's final now calm down" dad grumbled. Hailey growled and looked out the window. Girls are so dramatic!

"How long are we staying?" She asked. While glaring at the window.

"Three days, no more no less, we still have other clans to visit not to mention witch tribes as well" I sighed. This will be one busy month or two.

Two hours later. (Still Orion's Pov)

We finally made it and I could tell Hailey was on edge.

"You have been linking to James haven't you?" I smirked.

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