The Alphas Little Girl Chapter 11 {Edited}

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The Alphas Little Girl

Chapter 11


Unknown Pov

Years, I've been searching for her.. Years! And I can never seem to find her! Sometimes I think shes dead until we find a clue of her being a alive to come up short.  Samantha where the hell are you, you little bratt! I thught as I paced my office.

"Sir we've found her!" One of my guards burst into my office. "Finally, now this war can start, gather your men we leave tonight to get back, what we lost" I sneered.

Elizabeth's Pov

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY LITTLE BIT!!!!" lily shouted into my ear. "Go away I'm tired!!" I whined. "Come on your 13 now! We can finally go to the skate park without your annoying brothers to watch over us!" She yelled as she stripped me of my blanket. "OK fine I'm up! Your crazy lily!" I stuck my tongue out at her. "I know" she grinned. I just rolled my eyes.

I got out of bed and went to my walk in closet. I picked out some faded ripped jeans, a dark blue sweat shirt, my black vans, and a black beanie. I look in the mirror satisfied and walked out to see lily laying on my bed. "Come on lazy butt lets go get our boards, and eat cause I've starving!" I smiled and smacked her butt. "Don't smack my butt little bit, its not nice" She scolded. "What you do it to me all the time" I smirked. "You know your getting way to old way to fast" she grumbled. "That's the beauty about birthdays you get older every year" I sang as I ran down stairs.

"Hey Liz, happy birthday!" Orion smiled as he hugged me. "Thanks Oreo, so hows being alpha working out?" I asked. "Stressful, but I love it" he smiled down at me. Dad handed down the alpha title to Orion last month. He's doing a great job at it to, our pack loves Orion! "Wheres Phillip usually hes the first one in the kitchen?" I asked. "I don't know? I think hes still asleep, go wake him up and I'll make breakfast" I nodded and headed back up stairs.

Sheesh we seriously need and elevator or something, cause climbing these stairs is annoying.

I barged into Phillips room to see him asleep with half of his body off the bed. I'll let you guess which part of his body was hanging off. If you thought his upper body you guessed right. I sighed, I'm gonna feel bad for the girl who's his mate. I walked over to the thing I call my brother and poked his cheek. No movement. Poke, Poke, Poke. URGH WAKE UP!!! I went into his bathroom got a wash clothe soaked it in water and walked back out over to him. I put the wet cloth over his face and squeezed.

His whole body spazzed and he ended up in a heap on the floor. I couldn't help but laugh. "Your gonna pay for that Lizzy, I'll give you three seconds to run" he threatened, ah shit I gotta run cause when he starts to threaten hes serious. I got up and bolted out the door.

"~Lily grab our boards we gotta go now, Phillip is going to kill me!~"  I linked to her. I ran out the front door with Phillip hot on my trail I saw Lily in wolf form with our boards in her mouth. "RUN!!" I yelled to her, as I shifted in mid air. We ran into the woods as fast as we could.

"~Child you made us miss breakfast!~" Lily whined,

"~ Better then being soaked, you know how much I hate water!~"  My wolf snorted at that thought.

We made it to the skate park, and shifted back. This is kinda hard to explain but we don't lose our clothes when we shift, unless were in a rush and don't think about it, but if we think hard enough we can keep our clothes on after we shift. "Eww Lily you got wolf drool on the boards" I scrunched my nose up. "Stop being a baby and just wipe it off sheesh" she huffed. I gigled and wiped my board off and we walked into the skate park.

After skate boarding all day, my dad linked us to come back. As we were walking through the woods I heard a twig snap. I looked behind us to see five rogues snarling at us. "Lily run!" I shouted as we took off, the rouges close behind. Lily ended up shifting to run faster, I through my arm back as a huge rock flew through the air towards the rouges. I heard one of them whimper, yes bulls eyes. I cheered. I was about to shift when one of them bit my leg. I screamed in pain as I hit the ground. "~Daddy help me!~" I cried through the link. Before he could reply back, I was knocked out.


CLIFF HANGER!! hahaha I'm so bad! Jk I'm not bad at all xD So I hope you guys like this chapter :) Please comment and vote cause that shows me you guys like my story, and no I will not be like some authors who are like oh get me this many votes then I'll update no I will not do that to you guys. But voting and leaving comments pump me up to write more :) Supportive critisism helps alot!

Thank you!


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