The Alphas Little Girl Chapter 23 {Edited}

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The Alphas Little Girl

Chapter 23


Elizabeth's Pov

Sasha and I raced down the hotel stairs as fast as we could. We slammed the exit door open to only see the entire place surrounded by rogues!

"God damnit Lizzy I told you to stay upstairs!" I heard Joel growl. Well apparently I'm not stealthy at all if my mate found me that easily and I don't even know where the hell he is!

I rolled my eyes,

"Seriously Joel stop it, it's not the time to be reprimanding me now lets kick these rogue's asses!" I yelled. I saw Hailey to my right and ran over to her. We ended up getting surrounded by at least ten rogues. I lifted chunks of earth from the ground and hit the first five out of the group. Hailey made a mini tornado and sucked up the last five rogues away.

Me and her high fived each other and went to help our brothers. I saw Orion trap about six wolves in a ring of fire. I saw a wolf come up behind him and I stomped the ground and a long peice of earth came up and hit its stomach making it fly back into the forest behind the hotel.

"Thanks Liz!" I heard Orion grunt. I nodded and ran to help Sasha.

"Its been awhile since I've last had some action" She smirked. I nodded and kick a guy who shifted back in the stomach and then kneed him in the face.

"I agree" I chuckled.

"Woo go Sasha!" I heard Phillip yell as he water whipped the four rogues in front of him. Sasha laughed as she ripped one of the wolves throats out. "Remind me not to mess with you" I joked. She chuckled and for the past few hours we fought until there were no more wolves except us.

I sat down after two hours of fighting, out of breath, thirsty, and hungry.

"Joel we need more food" I sighed. He chuckled and sat next to me. He kissed my temple and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Those were rogues from the Blue Moon pack" Orion said while walking up to us.

"How did they know we were here?" Hailey asked.

"They've been following us, we need a different route to take so they wont follow and keep attacking us" Orion stated.

"Good idea son, Phillip I want you to call in some troops and tell them to meet us over at the Golden Sun clan, just in case we need back up" Dad ordered. "Why do I always have to call people" Phillip mumbled under his breath.

I chuckled and closed my eyes.

"Are you tired babe?" I heard Joel whisper. I nodded. Next thing I knew I was being lifted off the ground in Joel's arms.

"Goodnight everyone" I heard him say but then slowly drifted to sleep as he carried me to the room.

Alpha Jackson's Pov

I sent out that search party to see whats going with those stupid hope's children. One of my men came back barely alive and I was furious! He told me they have one of the second strongest vampire clans on there side! God damnit! I growled and threw my office chair across the room. I only have a few vampires.. I need more!

~"Beta come here now!" ~ I ordered. My beta came in and looked shocked form the mess I made in my office.

"Yes sir you called?" He asked.

"We need more vampires, and fast now go!" I growled out. 

Elizabeth I am coming your pathetic little warning did nothing, I will take you down with your brothers and sister.... Just wait and see....


Ok holy crap what just happened 0_0 Ok so I havent updated in a long time and I'm sorry about that school has been very stressful and will be getting even more. So if I dont update reguerally then please forgive me.

But how about this chapter was it good, bad? Tell me please :)

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Thank you


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